- 除了玫瑰以外沒有什麼(而不用meet)可以引起注意。Nothing but roses meets (not meet ) the eye.
- 閉母音的,舌靠近顎發出聲音的,如ee在meet中;用於母音pronounced with the tongue near the palate,as the ee in meet;used of vowels
- 閉母音的舌靠近顎發出聲音的,如ee在meet中。用於母音Pronounced with the tongue near the palate, as the ee in meet.Used of vowels.
- [+sb's needs,feelings,heat,light etc] 對某物敏感to be sensitive to sth
- 在冒號之後的第一個欄位是「needs」,他指明了程序需要什麼樣的界面。The first field after the colon character is "needs", and it specifies what kind of interface the program needs.
- 耶穌被釘死在十字架上。與the連用The crucifying of Jesus on Calvary. Used with the.
- 如果使用嵌入式SQL,則可以利用資料庫庫函數SQL_needs_quotes確定一個字元串是否需要加上引號。If you are using Embedded SQL, you can use the database library function SQL_needs_quotes to determine whether a string requires quotation marks.
- THE蛋白THE gene
- 「this host needs further investigation」(此主機需要進一步調查)錯誤信息表明,在掃描該遠程主機時出現某種問題。A "this host needs further investigation" error message indicates that there was some problem scanning the remote host.
- 定冠詞 thedefinite article, the
- 赤道赤道。和the連用The equator. Used with the.
- 最暢銷品目錄最暢銷的唱片或其他物品的目錄單。常與the連用A listing of best-selling recorded music or other items. Often used with the.
- 無家可歸的人。常與the連用People without homes considered as a group. Often used with the.
- 定冠詞thedefinite article "the"
- 事過境遷。thematter is all over, and the situation has changed.
- 魔鬼;撒且。與the連用The Devil; Satan. Used with the.
- inner web of the middle toe (足中趾與次趾間之縫隙)中指內間
- 郵政系統運送信件、郵包和其他郵件的系統。與定冠詞the連用。A system by which letters, packages, and other postal materials are transported. Used with the.
- 放映電影的放映,常與the連用A showing of a movie. Often used with the.
- 極端神經質的抑鬱或憂慮的狀態。常與the連用Intense nervous depression or anxiety. Often used with the.