- There are some fishing vessels in the harbor. 港灣里有許多漁船。
- Building and repairing fishing vessel under 600 horsepower. 可以承造和承修600馬力以下漁輪的船廠。
- How did Athena get onto the Cylon base ship to rescue her daughter? 雅典娜是怎麼上去基地之星救她的女兒的?
- Where did Baltar sleep when he was on the Cylon base ship? 博士在賽昂的基地之星上睡哪裡?
- A cistern with a perforated bottom in the hold of a fishing vessel for keeping fish alive. 養魚艙漁船船艙中的排孔的,為了保持魚活著的容器
- The other was a fishing vessel registered in Kiribati in the South Pacific with 12 on board. 另一艘是漁船,隸屬於南太平洋的吉里巴斯,船上有12名船員。
- Last week a Taiwanese fishing vessel was freed by Somali pirates after more than six months in captivity. 上周,一艘台灣漁船在被索馬利亞海盜挾持六個月後終於獲得釋放。
- About 1400 Hong Kong fishing vessels were affected. 本港約有1400艘漁船受影響。
- Aboard Cylon base ships, what is a "hybrid"? 在塞昂基地之星上,什麼是「混合體」?
- The fishing vessels beat out to sea. 那些漁船頂風出海。
- The traditional dragon boats (left) and fishing vessel (right), still a prominent symbol of Hong Kong. 傳統的龍船(左)及帆船(右),後者仍是香港的一個著名標誌
- One crewmember of the Ekwat Nava 5, a Thai fishing vessel, reportedly was rescued alive after six days at sea. 但印度海軍仍然堅持說那船有對抗印度艦船的行為。
- Reporters time, three anti-Maoming Dianbai center has received a report of the sinking of a fishing vessel area, escaped casualties. 記者發稿時,茂名三防指揮中心已接到電白縣方面一艘漁船沉沒報告,幸未造成人員傷亡。
- They have narrowed down the search area after finding a fourth man clinging to the capsized fishing vessel off the Florida Coast. 在佛羅里達州海岸發現第四個掛在一艘傾翻的漁船上的人之後,他們縮小了搜查範圍。
- Where alteration or removal is necessary, ratification shall be obtained from the agency of fishing vessel inspection that made the inspection. 確需改變或者拆除的,應當經原漁業船舶檢驗機構核准。
- I have here our price sheet on a FAS vessel basis ,the price are given without engagement. 我這裡有我們的FAS船邊交貨的價格單,這個價格是不容商議的。
- On April 7 and April 8, Chinese-flagged fishing vessels approached the ship and the USNS Loyal as they operated within China』s 200-mile economic zone. 在4月7號和8號,掛中國旗幟的漁船曾接近這艘船和美艦忠心號,當時它們正在中國200海里經濟區中作業。
- Earlier, the Philippine Navy caught 13 Taiwanese poachers in Linapacan, Palawan after they attempted to sink their fishing vessel containing 101 dead sea turtles. 早先,菲律賓海軍在巴拉旺抓獲了13個台灣偷獵者,他們試圖將101隻死亡的海龜沉入海中。
- I have here our price sheet on a FAS vessel basis, the price are given without engagement. 我這裡有我們的FAS船邊交貨的價格單,這個價格是不容商議的。
- Old fishing vessels are continually being replaced by new ones. 漁船在不斷更新。