- Container will be transshipped by the mother ship in Busan. 留學解答資訊網:「集裝箱將在釜山轉母船」這句話如何翻譯?謝謝!
- Later lie is conveyed in both a Saturnian Scout and a Saturnian mother ship. 稍後被帶到一艘土星偵察機和母船上。
- The pirates attacked on a speedboat launched from a mother ship, a captured Asian fishing ship known as a longliner. 海盜攻擊來自母艦上的快艇,母艦是亞洲的遠洋漁船,也被奪取。
- Then they built small foreign replicas of the mother ship, to cater to local demand. 然後仿照母公司的模式在境外建立小型機構,用以迎合本地需求。
- It was necessary to set out early, so that the bathyscaphe would come to the surface in daylight, and so be easily found by the mother ship(4) which would be waiting for it. 出發必須很早,以便潛水器在天還亮著時能回到海面,這樣就容易為等候在水面的母艦發現。
- It too will be a larger ship than its predecessor, big enough to carry all four astronauts down to the surface while the mother ship idles empty in lunar orbit. 它也將是比它前任更為巨大的飛行船,大到足夠運載四位宇航員下至月球表面(當母艦在繞月軌道騰空待用的時候)。
- MUMBAI, India - The ship that an Indian navy frigate sank last week was not the pirate "mother ship", as first claimed, but was actually the hijacked ship itself, U. 泰國船東星期二說,印度海軍上周擊沉的「海盜船」實際上是他的一艘拖撈船。
- Reports say a Seychelles coastguard vessel later captured what is believed to be the pirates』 mother ship and the smaller boat involved in the attempted attack. 報告稱,非洲塞席爾群島警衛隊後來捕獲了海盜母船以及試圖進行襲擊的稍小的船隻。
- The ship is engaged in pelagic fishery. 這艘船從事遠洋漁業。
- You will have a direct telepathic link with mother ships broadcasting to you. 你們將與母船向你們的廣播有直接的心靈感應連接。
- Finally, Mike worked for an 18-hour stretch to adapt a lead-acid gel battery used for devices onboard the mother ship into a power source for Elwood, enabling the expedition to continue. 最後麥克連續工作18小時,改造母船上的鉛酸膠體電池做為埃爾伍德的能量來源,探險才得以繼續。
- He was disobedient to his mother. 他不聽他母親的話。
- MAN B &W 6S60MC the most advanced and typical marine diesel engine is chosen as the main power engine for the marine power plant simulator whose mother ship is a sixty thousand tons oil tank. 由於模擬器的母型船是六萬噸油輪,選用了當代先進的、最典型的船舶柴油機MAN B &W 6S60MC機型,根據此機型建立了物理模型和數學模型,進行了柴油機工作過程(進氣、壓縮、燃燒、膨脹、排氣等)和渦輪增壓器、中冷器的機理模擬。
- An Indian warship came under attack on Wednesday from a suspected pirate "mother ship," but managed to destroy the pirate ship, sending three speedboats packed with pirates fleeing for safety. 同時,俄制、高科技的印度「塔霸號」戰艦在索馬利亞海岸挫敗了一起意圖劫持一艘印度貨船事件。
- Analysts, such as retired U.S. Army Colonel Ralph Peters, say the Somali pirates work off so-called "mother ships", searching for potential victims. 美國退休海軍上校彼得斯等分析人士說,索馬利亞海盜在所謂的「母船」上尋找襲擊對象。
- I commiserate with you on the loss of your mother. 你母親逝世,我特向你慰問。
- Mary began to unload her trouble onto her mother. 瑪麗開始把她的煩惱告訴她的母親。
- The mother with twin babies are always on the run. 這個有雙胞胎嬰兒的媽媽總是忙忙碌碌的。
- A mother naturally feels protective towards her children. 母親對自己的孩子自然會悉心保護。
- That guy is capable of squeezing money out of his old mother. 那傢伙做得出勒索老母親錢財的事來。