- When his eyes first open they must open on her face. 他眼睛一睜開,眼光准射在她臉上。
- To use publicize. Exe, first open a Visual Studio 2008 command prompt. 若要使用publicize.;exe;請首先打開Visual Studio 2008命令提示符。
- This is the default view when you first open work items in Microsoft Project. 這是在Microsoft Project中首次打開工作項時的默認視圖。
- Innovation week will be the first open house event for Barco China in 2007. 2007年創新周是巴可中國首次舉辦的全線產品展示會。
- A customer first opens an account, he instructs the bank to debit his account only in respect of cheques drawn by himself. 當第一個客戶第一次開戶時,他通知銀行僅憑他簽發的支票記入他存款的借方。
- The attack on the New Fourth Army units in southern Anhwei and the reactionary Order of January 17 are only the first open signs of this plot. 襲擊皖南新四軍部隊和發布一月十七日的反動命令,不過是此種計劃表面化的開端。
- When you first open a new project file, the Standard base calendar is set as the default project calendar. 第一次打開新項目文件時,「標準」基準日曆被設置為默認項目日曆。
- Before any network layer packets can be exchanged, LCP must first open the connection and negotiate the configuration parameters. 任何網路層封包交換前,連結控制協定必須先開啟連接並溝通彼此的組態參數。
- That is to say they first opened a hole at the hilltop. 就是在山頂鑿一個小洞。
- In 2005, in the Netherlands, the first Open European Mahjong Championship was held, with 108 players. 2005年;在荷蘭的第一次公開舉行的歐洲麻將錦標賽;運動員108名.
- Everyday morning, first open my eye, both hands gathers ten, prayed you, also confesses for me. 每日的清晨,第一眼睜開的時候,便是雙手合十,為你們祈禱,也為我懺悔。
- Its leaves are red and soft when they first open, but later dark green and brittle. 樹葉剛發芽時,是紅色的,而且很軟。但過後就變成了深綠色而且很脆。
- This year, for example, saw Harvard Business School teach its first open enrolment programme in India - in Hyderabad. 比如,哈佛商學院(HarvardBusinessSchool)今年在印度的海得拉巴開設了首個公開招生項目。
- The leader wants blameless be an official, sureness works, must first open and aboveboard be an upright person. 領導者要想清清白白做官,踏踏實實做事,必須先堂堂正正做人。
- Founded and first open to the public in the building previously of the horseracing club at 325 W. 藏品之豐富、質量之精湛,在國內外享有盛譽。
- So, he came to Grand Cayman with the HSA and I took him on his first open water scuba dive. 所以,當他跟專家來到美麗的開曼群島,我帶著他做了他的第一次攜水肺潛水。
- Carry out an action or a series of actions when a database first opens. 在資料庫首次打開時執行一個操作或一系列操作。
- For this reason, they do not appear when a solution is first opened. 因此,當首次打開解決方案時不顯示這些註釋。
- The playwright was fearful that his first opening would be a failure. 那位劇作家擔心他的第一齣戲會失敗。
- In this procedure, you first open your "original" solution in Visual Studio and then you open a second solution without closing the first solution. 在本過程中,首先在Visual Studio中打開您的「原始」解決方案,然後在不關閉第一個解決方案的情況下打開第二個解決方案。