- Business was slow in the first half of this year. 今年上半年生意清淡。
- After the first half of the race I was leading. 跑了一半賽程后我領先了。
- Business is slow in the first half of this year. 今年上半年生意清淡。
- Prices dropped in the first half of the year. 上半年物價有所下降。
- The first half of the game was pretty dull. 上半場比賽打得十分沉悶。
- Turnoveris stagnant for the first half of the year. 今年上半年營業額是停滯的。
- first half of one's life 前半生
- Business was slowin the first half of this year. 今年上半年生意清淡。
- the first half of one's life 在前半生
- The shipment will be made not later than the first half of April. 交貨不會遲於四月上半月。
- If one lives for seventy years, each year is just a seventieth of one』s life. 一次偶然的機會,他看到志願者的電視報道,覺得是一次不錯的商機,於是肖然帶著媒體,帶著一幫做秀的志願者和即將包裝的明星,打亂了鄉村小學平靜的生活。
- It will come off the press in the first half of next year. 它明年上半年可以出版。
- J.K. Rowling: No. the Patronus often mutates to take the image of the love of one's life (because they so often become the 'happy thought' that generates a Patronus). 不.;守護神會經常變換取決於愛某人生命的畫面
- Sale have smashed all record for the first half of the year. 銷售量已突破了今年上半年的所有記錄。
- Grievances is couldn』t break away from everyone』s life and furthermore, concomitantly at one』s lifetime, and which merely putting up different in feelings and heart at the phase of one』s life. 委屈相信在每個人生命中都是無法擺脫的,究其一生相伴,只是在生命的每個階段表現出的感覺、觸動及心靈的震顫是截然不同的。
- And that is one reason why the economy has been growing only slowly in the first half of this year. 上半年經濟發展速度比較低,就有這麼一條原因。
- Child: Place the heel of one hand on the lower half of the sternum. 兒童:將一手掌根放於下。
- There is a slow improvement in sale in the first half of the year. 今年上半年銷售情況有所改善(好轉)。
- H-P's market share in China increased to 14% in the first half of this year from just 5% in 2005, according to IDC. 國際數據公司表示,今年上半年惠普在中國的市場份額已經從2005年時的5%25升到了14%25。
- We shall follow that path for the first half of this chapter. 在本章前半部分,我們將遵循這一條途徑。