- When did the first generation computers become obsolete? 第一代電腦是什麼時候淘汰的?
- It was copied from the first generation tape. 這是按原版磁帶複製過來的。
- We will be the first generation to penetrate it. 我們將成為解開謎團的第一代人。
- Chinese are the first generation capitalists. 中國人還是第一代資本家。
- Spike work like the first generation! 與一代一樣有釘釘扣!!
- The family was cursed from the first generation. 這個家族從第一代起就遭到詛咒。
- The first generation (G10) appeared in 1977. 第一代(G10)最早出現在1977年。
- That was the first generation of collective leadership. 這就是我們黨第一代的領導。
- The first generation comes from disease free nuclear seed. 第一代來自核病免費種子。
- But their design is derived from that of the first generation. 但是它們的設計可以追溯到第一代。
- What will life be like for the first generation of cloned children? 第一代被克隆的孩子會過著怎樣的生活?
- A general neutron breeder formula is developed when the reactor does not reach the steady state and the reactivity changes in phase. 摘要導出了反應堆處於非平衡狀態條件下的反應性階躍變化時,反應堆從深度次臨界到瞬發超臨界整個區間通用的中子增殖統一的計算公式。
- The core of our first generation of collective leadership was Chairman Mao. 我們的第一代領導集體的核心是毛主席。
- "This is the first generation of people who have grown up with bad divorces. 「這是第一代在成長過程中目睹了很多不幸婚姻的人。
- I often hear we chinese call ourselves are the first generation immigrates. 很想聽聽卡拉的觀點。這是第一代移民會面對的。
- The TX-0 was the first general purpose transistorized computer. TX-0是麻省理工學院林肯實驗室1956年研製出的全世界第一台晶體管電腦,它有著三大特點:用晶體管取代電子管,佔用空間小(不過看上去仍然酷似發電廠的控制台);
- The first generation of leaders of the Soviet Union were young and vigorous men when they took power. 蘇聯的第一代領導人在執掌政權時年輕而富有活力。
- In the history of the Party,Mao,Liu,Zhou and Zhu formed the first generation of truly mature leadership. 我們黨的歷史上,真正形成成熟的領導,是從毛劉周朱這一代開始。
- Children are getting so fat they may be the first generation to die before their parents,an expert claimed yesterday. 現在的孩子們正變得越來越胖,以至於他們可能成為先他們父母而去的第一代。這是一位專家昨天所發表的觀點。
- But I am certain that we shall be able to surmount all difficulties and that one generation after another will advance the cause pioneered by the first generation. 但我堅信,我們一定能夠戰勝各種困難,把先輩開創的事業一代代發揚光大。