- They will impose a fine on anyone who should pick flowers at will. 隨便摘花的人會被罰款。
- If it's fine on Sunday, I'll go to the seaside. 如果星期天是晴天,我就去海濱玩。
- If it's fine on Sunday,I'll go to the seaside. 如果星期天是晴天,我就去海濱玩。
- I'm sure you'll do fine on your interview. 我確信你面試時會表現得很不錯。
- The judge imposed a fine on him. 法官判決他付罰金。
- It was all very fine on that gangway. 在跳板上我還覺得自己很好,一切都還好。
- The tea grow fine on the fertile hill country. 茶樹在這片肥沃的山地上長得很好。
- I wish you and all readers fine on this typhoon day. 我祝福所有的讀者在這颱風天都平安無事.
- The solicitor paid the fine on behalf of his client. 沙律師代表訴訟委託人支付了罰款(金)。
- They levy a large fine on us in this state for violating traffic rules. 在這個州,違反交通規則將徵收很重的罰金。
- They levy a large fine on us in this state for violating traffic rules . 在這個州,違反交通規則將徵收很重的罰金。
- You please just show me where it ends?It was all very fine on that gangway. 拜託你給我看它的盡頭在哪?當站在舷梯向外看時還好。
- It was all very fine on that gangway and I was grand, too, in my overcoat. 當年,我身著華服,踏上跳板,儀錶堂堂,無甚差池。
- A long-term mechanism of taking in students can be set up by emphasizing on social investigation, on admittance publicity and on teaching. 摘要學校通過注重社會調查,注重招生宣傳的方式和深度,注重教學質量,真正建立招生的長效機制。
- The effect of fines on the reed pulp was studied in this paper. 摘要對蘆葦漿中的纖維與細小纖維的組成進行了分析,研究了細小纖維對造紙的影響。
- If you are caught littering , you will be fined on the spot . 亂扔垃圾時被抓的話;要當場罰款的.
- That entitled him to impose fines on younger boys who broke school rules. 這使他有資格對那些違反校規的低年級學生處以罰金。
- It's fine on someone from a younger generation but a little bit silly on someone of Mr Blair's stature and age. 如果這事發生在年輕人身上那就沒什麼,但發生在像布萊爾這樣有地位及這樣年齡的人身上,就顯得有點蠢了。
- Liam: We should be judged as musicians, and bloody fine ones at that. 我們應該被評價為音樂家,還是超級出眾的那個。
- Mr Roberts likes punchy pronouncements and there are some fine ones here. 羅伯茨先生的語言言簡意賅,下面就羅列了一些可圈可點之處。