- They pick holes in everything I suggest. 只要是我提的建議他們就挑毛病。
- Pick holes in sthbfind fault with sth 挑某事物的毛病;找某事物的漏洞
- It was easy to pick holes in his argument. 在他的論據里不難找到漏洞。
- There you go, trying to find fault with me. 你又來這一套,老是想找我的岔。
- I'm sure he could pick holes in your argument. 我肯定他能在你的論點中找出問題。
- Whereby shall we find fault with him? 我們憑什麼指責他呢?
- It was easy to pick holes in the mound. 土丘上鑿洞很容易。
- The grumpy man found fault with everything. 那個性情乖戾的人對什麼事都要找岔。
- As the bill was poorly drawn, they immediately began to pick holes in it. 由於法案擬得很糟,他們立即就開始挑毛病了。
- Soon she began to find fault with me. 不久她便開始找我的岔子了。
- Why must you pick holes in everything I say? 你為什麼偏要對我說過的每一句話找岔子呢?
- It would be rude to find fault with her appearance. 對她品頭論足是不禮貌的。
- He's always finding fault with my work. 他總是對我的工作吹毛求疵。
- It was easy to pick holes in his arguments. 找他論據中的漏洞很容易。
- It is easy to find fault with others. 批評別人是容易的。
- Why must you pick hole in everything I am doing? 你為什麼偏要對我做的每一件事都吹毛求疵?
- I will find fault with your homework. 我將挑剔你的作業。
- It's easy for an outsider to pick holes in our programme. What you don't understand is the technical difficulties we face. 一個局外人是不難在我們的方案中找出缺點的。不過你不了解的是我們所面臨種種技術上的困難。
- What he likes to do best is to find fault with me. 他最喜歡做的事就是找我的茬。
- You have no reason to find fault with him. 你無理對他挑剔。