- Mr Smith was hard hit by his financial losses. 史密斯先生深受經濟損失的打擊。
- Our firm has recuperated after financial losses. 我們的公司在財務虧損之後現已恢復元氣。
- Mr. Smith was hard hit by his financial losses. 史密斯先生深受經濟損失的打擊。
- The company had to endure heavy financial losses. 公司不得不遭受巨大損失。
- He was hard hit by financial losses. 他遭受了嚴重的經濟損失。
- He was hard hit by his financial losses. 他深受財務損失的打擊。
- It will end in a great financial loss to us. 它將造成我們經濟上的巨大損失。
- Savings provide one way to take care of financial losses. 儲蓄為對付財務損失提供了一種手段。
- The company has sustained heavy financial losses this year. 這家公司今年遭受了嚴重的財務損失。
- The company's financial losses were due to poor management. 公司的財政損失是由於管理不善引起的。
- More important is the question of how to face financial loss. 更重要的是如何面對經濟損失的問題。
- Inadequate insurance coverage can lead to major financial loss. 保險範圍不足的話可能導致重大財務損失。
- An insurance contract in which an agency guarantees payment to an employer in the event of unforeseen financial loss through the actions of an employee. 保險單一種保證合同,保險方保證一旦由於僱員的行動造成意外的經濟損失,僱主將得到陪償
- Each minute of the day or night,everyone faces a possible financial loss. 不論白天黑夜,人們時時刻刻都可能遭受財務損失。
- The cancellation of their contracts could cause a huge financial loss for GMC. 終止這些合同意味著海灣海運公司會遭受巨大的經濟損失。
- Each minute of the day or night, everyone faces a possible financial loss. 不論白天黑夜,人們時時刻刻都可能遭受財務損失。
- He lost many chances to regain his financial loss due to his density. 他因為自己的愚蠢,多次錯過了彌補虧損的機會。
- But savings are not the answer to large losses.The best way to guard against large financial losses is through insurance. 但是儲蓄無法解決重大的損失,防範重大財務損失的最好辦法是保險。
- Twain wrote ceaselessly and even gave lectures to earn enough money to overcome his financial losses. 為了掙錢渡過經濟難關,馬克·吐溫不停地寫作,甚至還去講演。
- Walter Talbot had been a pioneer in drawing attention to huge financial losses incurred by electric and gas utilities as a result of theft. 沃爾特·塔爾伯特最早喚起人們注意偷電和偷煤氣給公用事業帶來的巨大的經濟損失。