- The organizer reserves the final right for any amendment. 大會保留最後修訂之權利。
- The issuer reserves the final right of approving your Credit Card. 發卡銀行對申請人的信用額度有最終審核權。
- His final rights should be stayed in certain parts. 他的至高權力應該在某些方面給予限制。
- Zurich Insurance Company reserves the final right of approval of the Plan. 蘇黎世保險保留對有關保險計劃最終批核權;
- ACE Insurance Limited reserves the final right of approval of the Plan. 安達保險有限公司對閣下之保險申請將保留最終之決定權。
- ACE Insurance Limited reserves the final right of approval of this Plan. 安達保險有限公司將保留對此計劃之最終決定權。
- The final right of explanation belong to Grand Mercure Oriental Ginza Shenzhen. 最終解釋權歸東方銀座美爵酒店所有。
- The restaurant manager reserves the sole and final right of decision to name the winners. 得獎結果由餐廳作出唯一的評審及最終決定,參加者不得異議。
- CEEG owns the final right to interpret the arrangements and regulations of this contest. 中電電氣集團擁有對本次大賽賽事安排及規定的最終解釋權。
- HKTA reserves the final rights for amending the coach list. 香港網球總會保留更改教練名單之最終權利。
- Note: The organiser reserves the final right of interpretation of this announcement. 備註:本徵集通知的解釋權屬於主辦單位。
- Venice Cultural Communications CO., Ltd. Reserves the final right to interpret the terms and conditions of this content. 本內容的最終解釋權歸威尼斯文化傳播有限公司。
- For any dispute, ENZO reserves the final right of decision on all matters concerning the use of this offer without prior notice. 如有任何爭議,ENZO保留此券之最終使用權,恕不另行通知。
- One can always find expressions such as, "The final right to interpret belongs to the supermarket," on supermarket sales advertisements. 在超市的促銷廣告上總能看到「最終解釋權歸某某超市所有」的字樣。
- Note: The final right of interpretation of the rules rests with the secretariat of CAPEC. In case of misunderstanding, the Vision in Chinese shall prevail. 注:本文最終解釋權屬中國設備監理協會秘書處。如有疑義,以中文為準。
- American Express Bank reserves the final right to accept or reject a request to open a Foreign Currency Margin Trading Account based on internal client suitability requirements. 美國運通銀行保留最終權利按其內部對客戶合符開戶條件與否的要求而決定接納或拒絕為客戶開立外匯孖展投資戶口。
- Her clothes are always right up to the minute. 她的衣服總是式樣最新的。
- He was consuming his final libation. 他正在喝著他的最後一杯酒。
- A few jokes will add a final fillip to your speech. 幾句笑話會給你的演說添些生氣。
- The right to dissent is part of our political system. 有持異議的權利是我們政治體制的組成部分。