- 俑,是古代用來陪葬的塑像,主要是陶瓷、泥土或木質作成人的形像。In many ancient Chinese tombs, pottery, clay and wooden figures accompany the dead.
- 27神就照著自己的形像造人,乃是照著他的形像造男造女。So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.
- 因為神所預知的人,他也預定他們模成神兒子的形像,使他兒子在許多弟兄中作長子。Because those whom He foreknew, He also predestinated to be conformed to the image of His Son, that He might be the Firstborn among many brothers;
- 中的前像或Or the after image in
- 凡倒虛己,取了奴僕的形像,成為人的樣式。But made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men
- 像或近似等於Image Of Or Approximately Equal To
- 電腦玩家能熟練地使用電腦或進行電腦編程的人;電腦愛好者One who is proficient at using or programming a computer; a computer buff.
- 使象花花公子穿得像或使象花花公子To dress as or cause to resemble a dandy.
- 該公司擬改變只售高檔商品的形像,以吸引青少年顧客。The company is prepared to trade off its up-market image against a stronger appeal to teenage buyers.
- 具有優勢的比其他人具有更大的力量、影響或權勢;優越的Greater in power, influence, or force than another or others; predominant.
- 形像image
- 以黑色輪廓像或剪影形式In silhouette as a silhouette
- 照顧者,看管人被雇來照料或看管貨物、財產或人的人;保管人One that is employed to look after or take charge of goods, property, or a person; a custodian.
- LCD投影機作視像或資料播放One LCD projector for video and data presentation
- 停屍房保存人的屍體的場所,直到身份被確認並被認領或直至埋葬的安排做好以後A place in which the bodies of persons found dead are kept until identified and claimed or until arrangements for burial have been made.
- 在鏡中照見自己的形像see one's image in the mirror
- 小雕像小人像或小塑像;小雕像A small molded or sculptured figure;a statuette.
- 卑賤的具有或表現出可鄙的,卑賤的,卑鄙的自私的而沒有人的可敬的行為標準。Having or showing a contemptible, mean-spirited, or selfish lack of human decency.
- 使象花花公子:穿得像或使象花花公子.dandify:To dress as or cause to resemble a dandy.
- 申敏兒小姐。。你個人的形像是神秘。?Shin Minah-sshi, your personal image is mysterious...?