- Fight one's way out find one's way to. 設法到達;到達。
- It is difficult to squeeze one 's way out in a crowded bus. 在擁擠的公共汽車裡擠出去真不容易。
- Fight one's battle over again v. 回憶經歷過的戰鬥。
- After the fight one of the boxers had a black eye. 對打之後,一個拳擊運動員的眼睛被打青了。
- After the fight one of the boxers had a black eye . 對打之後,一個拳擊運動員的眼睛被打青了。
- They all resolved that never again would they fight one another. 他們都下決心永遠不再互相爭鬥了。
- Since then, dreams of power in both kingdoms made them fight one another for the supremacy of their way of life. 從那之後,沉迷於魔法力量的兩個國家,霸權而互相征戰。
- Everything that comes to Wilber』s way, he』ll swallow it! 任何經過瑋柏面前的東西,他都吞得下。
- I definitely wanna get married one day, but that ¡ ¯s way down the line. We just met! 我有天一定會結婚的,但那都是后話。我們才剛認識。
- Matthew Syed asks why, but it』s clearly nature』s way. 馬太 西亞德對此有疑問,但這確實是本能的行為。
- Chillies have to be a magic ingredient in the fight one abundance timest flab. 紅辣椒對於消除體內脂肪具有神奇功效。
- I also have intermittently manic sickness, I am wants to fall the thing to curse at people asks the human to fight one. 我還有間歇性的狂躁症,我時不時的就想摔東西罵人找人打上一架。
- The ride is NASA's way of getting the shuttle back home to Florida's Kennedy Space Center. 此次飛行是國家航空和宇宙航行局(nasa:美國國家航空航天局)太空梭返回佛羅里達肯尼迪航空中心的方法(此句句子主幹:飛行是方法?
- Thoughtway is the nuclear of work』s way, and the work』s way is surfaced and concreted thoughtway. 思想方法是工作方法的核心,工作方法是思想方法的外化和具體化。
- You may be coming down with a virus or fighting one off. 你可能因病毒感染而病倒,或者正在抵抗。
- Yoda wiped his eyes, flinging a dollop of mush Obi-Wan』s way yet saying nothing. 尤達擦了擦眼睛,猛力把一團麥片粥往奧比萬的方向丟過來,不過他到底什麼也沒說。
- Maybe God wants us to meet a few wrong people before meeting the fight one, so that when we finally meet the person, we will know how to be grateful. 上帝讓我們在相遇之前遇到一些錯誤的人,也許是為了讓我們在最後遇見彼此的時候學會感恩吧。
- Everything seems to be going NASA's way for a Monday's planned liftoff of space shuttle Endeavor. 對計劃周一發射的太空梭--勇氣號來說,一切盡在航天航空局的掌控之中。
- That men will always fight one another, that the strong will conquer the weak, and that there can be no real moral foundation for man's civilization. 人們將永遠互相爭鬥,強者將會征服弱者,人類的文明是不可能有真實的道德基礎。
- Clarence 's way was good. It was simple, it was dignified, it was direct and businesslike. 克萊倫斯的法子倒是不錯,又簡樸,又莊嚴,而且直接了當,有條有理。