- The organizational order of the field mobile troops is normally combined corps,division (brigade),regiment,battalion,company,platoon and squad. 野戰機動部隊的編製序列一般是:集團軍、師(旅)、團、營、連、排、班。
- The organizational order of the field mobile troops is normally combined corps, division (brigade), regiment, battalion, company, platoon and squad. 野戰機動部隊的編製序列一般是:集團軍、師(旅)、團、營、連、排、班。
- The organizational order of the field mobile troops is normally combined corps, division (brigade), regiment, battalion , company, platoon and squad. 野戰機動部隊的編製序列一般是:集團軍、師(旅)、團、營、連、排、班。
- The Army, in accordance with its different duties and responsibilities, is also divided into field mobile, sea border defense, frontier defense, and garrison troops. 陸軍按其擔負的任務還劃分為野戰機動部隊、海防部隊、邊防部隊、警衛警備部隊等。
- The Army,in accordance with its different duties and responsibilities,is also divided into field mobile,sea border defense,frontier defense,and garrison troops. 陸軍按其擔負的任務還劃分為野戰機動部隊、海防部隊、邊防部隊、警衛警備部隊等。
- Iberian warfare has a long tradition of light mobile troops, both mounted and foot, fighting with the javelin since pre Roman times. 早在羅馬時代之前,伊比利亞半島軍隊就有著使用輕裝部隊突襲的悠久傳統,無論步騎兵種均以標槍傷敵。
- His well-trained and highly mobile troops swept through the difficult country of what is now southern Siberia, overcoming the hazards of snow and heat, floods and desert sands. 他那訓練有素、具有高度機動能力的部隊橫掃困難重重的國家,即現在的西伯利亞南部,接連克服了大雪、炎熱、洪水和沙漠的危險。
- S95-100field mobile medical system is a field mobile hospital composed of such function cells as medical shelters,tents,special vehicles and transportable containers. 100野戰機動醫療系統是方艙式戰地機動醫院,由醫用方艙、帳篷、專用車輛、運輸集裝箱等功能單元構成。
- The President had constitutional power to mobilize troops in an emergency. 依據憲法,總統有權在緊急情況下調動軍隊。
- Russia insisted that Georgia was preparing for war;the Georgians had, indeed, mobilized troops and prepared fuel dumps. 俄國堅稱,喬治亞正在備戰,喬治亞人也確實正在動員部隊與準備油庫。
- The troops took the field at dawn. 部隊於拂曉開始作戰。
- Therefore, in heavily industrialized countries, mobilizing troops for long periods (ala First World War) can tank an economy. 因此,在高度工業化的國家裡,動員軍隊並持續很長一段時期(如第一次世界大戰)能使一個經濟體崩潰。
- The field artillery pounded away at the for tress. 野戰炮兵連續炮擊那座要塞。
- Also, the POPs supporting your mobilized troops absorb the combat losses suffered in wars, so the POPs returning to the factories and farms after the conflict is over will be smaller. 同時,支持你的動員部隊的人口將承受(動員部隊)在戰爭中的損失,所以在戰鬥后返回工廠和農場工作的人口將減少。
- The crowd cheered as the teams entered the field. 球隊入場時觀眾們為之歡呼。
- On the map the drains of each field are laid sown. 地圖上標有每一塊地的排水溝。
- Right-handed batters usually hit to left field. 右撇子擊球手把球打到左外野。
- The runaway horse was cornered in a field. 那匹跑掉的馬在田地里被圈住了。
- Tent is used by camper and by soldier in the field. 露營的人和戰地的士兵用帳篷。