- fiat collyrium (拉)製成洗眼劑
- The trees were planted at 20 ft intervals. 這些樹是每隔20英尺栽種一棵的。
- That new Fiat is a fast little number. 那輛新的菲亞特是速度很快的汽車。
- The opening of a market stall is governed by municipal fiat. 開設市場攤位受市政法令管制。
- The cap rock over Grand Salme is only 28 ft thick. 大薩林鹽丘的冠岩厚度只有28英尺。
- "Again, this zeal for God is compared to collyrium. 「此外,這種對神的熱心也可以比喻為洗眼劑。
- The collyrium of mystery will open your eyes. 神秘的藥水將打開你的眼睛。
- Water was found at a depth of 30 ft. 在30英尺深處找到了水.
- He jammed into his Fiat X19 two-seater. 他擠進菲亞特X19型雙座轎車裡。
- The cliffs soar 500 ft into the air. 峭壁高聳達五百英尺。
- Of, relating to, or consisting of fiat money. 紙幣信用發行的與流通券有關的、流通券的或由此組成的
- Glide. Subject glides at speed of20 ft. 滑翔術:受術者以20呎的速度滑翔。
- The towers are 170 ft above the caisson. 沉井以上的塔柱高度為170英尺。
- Win a weekend in Rome, courtesy of Fiat. 贏了就可以獲得菲亞特公司提供的到羅馬度周末的機會。
- And the Fiat next to the Volkswagen? 大眾旁邊的菲亞特(fiat)怎麼樣?
- The course is 1 year FT, 2 years PT. 該課程全日制學習1年,非全日制學習兩年。
- The came back and bought furniture for her fiat. 他們度完蜜月回來后,買了傢具裝飾她的公寓。
- This plant attains to a heightof 10 ft. 這種植物可長到10英尺高。
- FIAT tractors engines gasket kits. 飛亞特拖拉機發動機修理包。
- This plant attains to a height of 10 ft. 這種植物可長到10 英尺高。