- Fi shes and reptiles are coldblooded animals. 魚和兩棲動物都是冷血動物。
- High elasticity module polyethylene fi. 鋼纖維和高強高模聚乙烯纖維。
- The best sci fi movie in the world is Aliens. 世界上最好的科幻電影是異形!
- In contrast,China's FI system is still in bud. 我國的洪水保險體制還處於積極探索階段。
- Many small fi wrms went under in that depressi pn. 在那次經濟蕭條中,許多小企業破了產。
- Semper Fi, Do or Die! Gung-ho Gung-ho!! 永遠忠誠、齊心協力、至死不渝!
- FileInfo fi in directory.GetFiles("*.txt|*. cs")-----不能直接修改這裡嗎?
- Fee, fi, fo fum, I smell the blood of an Irishman. 幾百年前的詩歌。
- I discerned her hair was not real by fi日st sight. 我一眼就看出她的頭髮是假的。
- Q: Is a fi nancial contribution from Rotarians required? 問:扶輪社員必須做出財務捐獻嗎?
- I agree to issue Temporary FI License to the applicant. 同意簽發飛行教員執照。
- Objective:To evaluate shaping ability of stainless steel fi les. 目的:評價不鏽鋼銼預備彎曲根管時的根管成形能力。
- Well, then, semper fi, brother. What outfit were you? 真的?永遠忠誠,兄弟哪個部隊的?
- He teaches courses in accounting, business and fi nance. 霍特是全球擁有國際學生比例最高的商學院。
- Fi's special present coming from siu more big airport! 多謝大家,我今年會加大油的!
- FI system, IDD telephone, smoke sensitive, fire alarm and well-equipped toilet. 中央空調、路電視、響、腦電話、險箱、感消防系統及良好衛生間等現代化設施一應俱全。
- Law fi is the only persons in whom ignorance of the law is not punish. 只有律師是不會因不諳法律而受到懲罰的人們。
- Check Sales Value with FI department, then complete the sales monthly report. 根據公司每月銷售情況與財務部核對總賬及明細,並編製出銷售月度報表。
- In measurement, there is a difference between the values of FI and THI. 在測量方面,應用FI和THI的測量值之間存在差異,THI狀態下的測量標準有待於進一步研究。
- Bowe, F .G. (1995/1998).Birth to fi ve: Early childho od special edu catio n . 傅秀媚(譯)。嬰幼兒特殊教育,出生到五歲。台北:五南。