- The standard shape curve of different lying droplet can be drawn up by the calculational formula and result. 文章對玻璃表面憎水膜上躺滴的數學模型進行了理論研究,得出了接觸角的計算結果。
- He looked at Emma's femate shape curved under the cotton sheet. 他凝視著被單下艾瑪她女人獨有的身軀,線條是那麼的清晰、誘人。
- A rightness of female, who gets on the subway soon, mother shows not only very young, but the shape curve is also very good. 上車不久,上來的一對母女,媽媽不但顯的很年輕,身材曲線也很好。
- On the basis of analytic method and ellipse method,the mathematics model unit designed by the roller shape curve program is induced. 根據解析法與橢圓法歸納出輥形曲線程序設計的數學模型聯;
- Production rises, peaks and falls in a bell shaped curve. 產量不斷升高、到達頂峰,然後下降,呈鐘形曲線。
- Experimental results showed that a "U" shape curve existed between the critical initiation energy and IPN equivalence ratio. 實驗結果證明了 IPN的臨界起爆能與燃料當量比成「U」形曲線關係 ;
- Through thorough analysis on S shape curve and i nterference distance, both detail calculating method and control flowsheet are p rovided. 通過對S字曲線和干涉距離的深入剖析,提供了詳盡的計算方法和控制流程圖。
- The rationality of cycloid gear actual operating space is verified by optimizer, finally the conclusion of the isometric plus travel distance alter shape curve much more approach corner alter shape is obtained. 通過編製的優化程序驗證了擺線輪齒形工作部分範圍的合理性,得出了等距加移距修形曲線更逼近轉角修形曲線的結論。
- Appearance design condenses sanitary ware artist and the stylist's intention leisurely.Looking from different angles, its luminance and streamline shape curve are perfect in workmanship. 外觀設計、疑聚著衛浴藝術家、設計大師們的款款創意,從不同角度看,其光亮度、流線形曲線,製作精良。
- The mutual interference issue of S shape curve in the positioning pro cess is analyzed by means of project actual examples, the concept of preventing interference distance is given. 通過工程實例分析了S字曲線在對位過程中的相互干擾問題,提出防止干涉距離的概念;
- We are making "good" use of the "bcc" function of emails to desseminate information.Gradings of performance reviews are of standard distribution i.e. the bell shape curve, among the whole department. 我也不算懶惰,就趁周六加緊運動,早點起床,踩了四十五分鐘機,再跳了兩場舞(一場是地的,一場板,勞累的動作也盡量偷偷的在地上做,還是小心點好!)
- Instead of creating a straight line, logistic regression analysis creates an "S" shaped curve that contains maximum and minimum constraints. 邏輯回歸將創建一條包含最大和最小約束的S形曲線,而不是一條直線。
- This paper derives the shaping curve equations in the transition section of the deep-trough belt conveyor for arranging the idlers reasonably. 對深槽膠帶輸送機過渡段的成形曲線方程進行推導,使之用作合理布置托輥的理論依據。
- If we can pull through this recession, we will be in good shape. 如果我們能渡過這段經濟不景氣的時間,我們就會好多了。
- Computer Aided Design of the Roll Shape Curve 軋輥輥型曲線的計算機輔助設計
- Each pendent twig and leafy festoon was in a blaze. 每根懸挂著的細枝和每一串樹葉都在燃燒。
- inverted U shape curve hypothesis 「倒U」型假說
- I am in no shape worthy of your father's care. 我完全不值得你父親的關懷。
- A strange shape could be seen through the fog. 在霧中隱約可見到一個奇怪的人形。
- The falling star described a long curve in the sky. 流星在空中畫出了一道長長的弧線。