- She received many letters of support from fellow sufferers. 許多和她有共同遭遇的人給她來信,對她表示支持。
- The wounded fellow sufferers commiserate with each other. 都是受傷的人常常同病相憐。
- Those who have the same illness sympathize with each other.; Fellow sufferers commiserate with each other. 同病相憐。
- Fellow sufferers understand each other:All crowded with aMM more than ten car haven't go up. 同病相憐:和一個MM都擠了十餘輛車還沒有上去。
- Although the cycle of seeking substitutes and despairing deaths seems unending, the individual ghost is permitted release, albeit at the expense of her fellow sufferers. 無論是從外部拯救者的觀察來看還是從被救的受害人的回憶來看都是同樣的。
- I felt more than ordinary human sympathy for him in his misfortune. I was deeply moved as a fellow sufferer. 我對他的遭遇, 不只是普普通通的同情, 還有一種深切的同病相憐的感觸。
- He felt more than ordinary human sympathy for her in her misfortune;he was deeply moved as a fellow sufferer. 他對她的遭遇;不只是普通的同情;還有深切的同命相連的感觸.
- I felt more than ordinary human sympahy for him in his misfortune. I was deeply moved as a fellow sufferer. 我對他的遭遇,不是一般的同情,還有一種深切的同病相憐的感觸。
- For instance if your Valentine is a colleague then you might say something like: 「from your admirer in the fellow sufferer at the hands of Mr. 舉例來說,如果你的心上人是同事的話,那麼你可以寫下諸如「仰慕你的人,哈利斯先生手下的受苦受難者!」
- But which know, that fellow suffers from ringworm, the mustache that goes on transplanting itchs confoundedly all the day, kill so that his blood scratchs piece. 可哪曉得,那傢伙患有頭皮癬,移植上去的鬍子整天癢得要命,害得他血都搔出。
- It will be unjust to let me suffer for the folly of other people. 讓我因他人的愚昧而受罪是不公平的。
- Alcoholics often suffer from periods of oblivion. 飲酒過度的人常常失去記憶。
- Here, the life between you and your townee, your comrade in arms, your fellow sufferer or your funs teamer is becoming rich and colorful.It is such an easy way to communicate with each other. 在這裡,您和您的老鄉、戰友、荒友、星友的群體生活顯得益加豐富和精采,您們的情感聯絡竟是如此的簡單。
- There are many malaria sufferers in hospital. 醫院裡有很多瘧疾病人。
- Many adolescents suffer from/have acne. 很多青少年患有痤瘡[長粉刺]。
- He is that kind of fellow who must be given hell. 他就是那種人,非得狠狠教訓一頓才行。
- The bad man will suffer eternal damnation. 壞人將會受到永遠的懲罰。
- He is an exceedingly tedious fellow. 他是一個非常令人生厭的傢伙。
- He's a tricky fellow to do business with. 他詭計多端難以共事。
- A priest must learn to be tolerant and always suffer fools gladly. 一個神父必須學會寬容和永遠甘心容忍愚妄的人。