- To suddenly feel one's fingers opening! 忽然感到手指鬆開了!
- And last month , he became one of the 25 winners of this year』s year's MacArthur Fellowshipsfellowships, commonly called genius gracegrants. 並且在上個月他成為25名麥克阿瑟獎學金獲得者之一,通常這個獎學金被成為天才補助金。
- It all depends what you feel one measly point should be put into. 你完全可以放在你感覺還有不足的地方。
- It' s donkey' s years since we' ve seen each other. 我們有年頭兒沒見面了.
- Hongxiu: The feeling one represses just strengthen. 紅袖:壓抑只會讓感情更強烈。
- The feelings one represses just strengthen. 感情愈壓抑愈強烈。
- I felt one or two drops of rain on my face. 我感到有一兩滴雨水落在我臉上。
- According to the Lexicon, Arthur』 s year of birth is unknown, but we can extrapolate based on his oldest child's age. 根據百科全書,亞瑟的出生年份不詳,但我們可以由他的長子的年齡推斷。
- Xiulian: The feeling one represses just strengthen. 秀蓮:壓抑只會讓感情更強烈。
- I feel one degree under this morning; it must have been that curry I had for supper last night. 今天早晨我感到不舒服,一定是昨天晚飯吃了那咖喱食品。
- I was feeling one degree under with a sore throat so I had to miss going to the cinema. 我因為咽喉炎感到有點不舒服,所以只好不去看電影了。
- Weare able to conclude that the career path of graduates fromsino-foreign institute is pointing towards foreign enterprise, based onRDI』s year 2007 graduate survey. 東華萊佛士畢業生就業去向的統計數據顯示,截止到2007年底,外企是中外合作辦學學生的主要流向。
- Carrie had none of the small deception which could feel one thing and say something directly opposed. 那種嘴上說一套心裡想一套的騙人花招,嘉莉一點也不會。
- The male student, I choose, I like, how did that kind feel one 「crisply」 the character! 男生,我選擇,我喜歡,那種感覺怎一個「爽」字了得!
- Xiulian: The feelings one represses just strengthen. 秀蓮:壓抑只會讓感情更強烈。
- Listens to the phoenix legend that resoundingly, the resonant singing sound to let us feel one's blood bubbles up to the brim. 聽著鳳凰傳奇那高亢、嘹亮的歌聲讓我們感到熱血沸騰。
- They have no feelings one way or the other about what you are suggesting. 對於你的建議,他們沒有這樣或那樣的看法。
- During Gorbachev"s years on the world stage, the only better-known national leader was Ronald Reagan. 他為消滅蘇聯專政統制、為民眾和社會尋求自由做出了巨大貢獻。
- Learning to feel one's own karmic pain and return the pain that belongs to all others that one's ancestry held records for might be one solution to this dilemma. 學會感受自己的業力痛苦,而將屬於祖先持有記錄中所有他人的痛苦歸還,可能是解決這一矛盾的一個出路。
- s year(ugrr,can I say in this way)so I #39; 想瞭解表演的民眾讓購物中心前增添不少人氣。