- I felt grateful to you from the bottom of my heart. 我衷心地感謝你。
- You should always feel grateful to those who put you in adversity. 十一、你永遠要感謝給你逆境的眾生。
- Unable to prolong our kismet, I still feel grateful to have made Passerby』s brief acquaintance. 不能延續緣分,我仍然很慶幸自己能夠與路人甲有短暫的相處。
- The economies in both states are booming, nationalism in on the rise and citizens feel grateful to their national chiefs for restoring their pride and place in the world. 這兩個國家,經濟在蓬勃發展,民族主義在上升,公民對國家的酋長為恢復他們的自豪感和在世界上的地位充滿感激。
- It is then, indeed, that I feel grateful to all the brave and generous spirits who, in every age and in every land, have fought to establish the now unquestioned freedom of the pen. 無論如何在這四個小時內,我要從這個毫無起色、治理無方的亂世中抽出身來,用想象的鑰匙去打開那座「寶櫃」,所有無限美好的事物會從中滾落出來。
- I am really very grateful to for your advice. 我真是非常感謝您的勸告。
- I'm very grateful to you for your help. 我非常感謝你的幫助。
- She even felt grateful to the government for giving her the opportunity to reflect during her incarceration. 原來她把一切都當成求道路上的基石,她甚至感謝政府給她這樣一個反省的機會。
- I am grateful to you for your help. 我感謝你的幫助。
- I am grateful to have you help me repair the house. 承你幫忙修繕房子,我十分感激。
- I'll be eternally grateful to you. 我永遠感激你。
- At this news Fan Po-wen laughed gleefully. He felt grateful to Wu Chih-sheng for telling him, and became his usual facetious self again. 他心裡真感謝吳芝生帶來這麼一個樂意的新聞。 他的俏皮話便又衝到嘴唇邊:
- I feel especially grateful to you for your. 我尤其感激你的細心周到。
- I am heartily grateful to your help. 我衷心地感激你的幫助。
- We are grateful to you for your bounteous gifts. 對您給予的豐厚禮物,我們不勝感激。
- Professor Sun and I felt grateful to the past generation of scientists in China for their outstanding contribution to scientific and technical terminology. Sun教授和筆者對中國老一代科學家們對中文科學技術辭彙所作出的傑出貢獻深感欽佩。
- Professor Sun and I felt grateful to the past generationof scientists in China for their outstanding contribution to scientific and technical terminology. S教授和筆者對中國老一代科學家們對中文科學技術辭彙所作出的傑出貢獻深感欽佩。
- These refugees are very grateful to the government's succor. 這些難民非常感激政府的救援。
- He is grateful to us for our timely help. 他非常感激我們及時的幫助。
- The passerby was very grateful to us for directing him when he mistook his way. 這個過路人非常感激我們在他迷路時給他指了路。