- Eastern Along has formed the net of production, sales and service in China, including animal health products franchiser, large aquatic breeding farm and feed factory. 東方澳龍已在中國建立起一個包括經銷商、大型養殖企業、飼料廠在內的完整銷售網路,長期客戶達八百多個。
- It is now our aim to set up a factory. 我們現在的目的是創辦一座工廠。
- That boxer is a prodigious feed. 那個拳擊家是個大肚漢。
- Jack was assigned to the assembly shop of the factory. 傑克被分配到廠里的裝配間工作。
- He piloted us through the large factory. 他領我們參觀了這個大工廠。
- Unwaged members pay a lower entrance fee. 無固定收入的人入場費從優。
- Finally he got a job shifting rails in a factory. 最後他在一家工廠找到一個搬鋼軌的工作。
- The average output of the factory is 20 cars a day. 該工廠的平均產量是每天20輛汽車。
- Our factory makes celluloid articles. 我們廠製造賽璐路製品。
- Cows and sheep depends forage to feed. 牛和羊依靠草料餵養。
- The factory is situated on the edge of the town. 這座工廠坐落在該城的邊上。
- He can barely feed and clothe his family. 他勉強能給予全家人溫飽。
- He's a paint sprayer in the local factory. 他在當地工廠當噴漆工。
- She charged only a nominal fee for her work. 她為所做的工作只收取象徵性的費用。
- The ore is smelted in this large factory. 這個大型工廠里熔煉礦石。
- Actual budget of the throughput of feed factories 配合飼料廠生產能力的量化核定
- The factory is now going full tilt. 這家工廠現在正全速發展。
- He was hired by a munitions factory. 他被一家生產軍需品的工廠雇傭。
- The fee paid to a mint by a government. 鑄幣費政府支付給鑄幣廠的錢
- The factory had been sending out toxic fumes. 這家工廠一直在排放有毒的廢氣。