- Have no fear for sb. 嚇不倒某人,不能使某人驚恐
- I fear for her safety in this weather. 在這種天氣里我很擔心她的安全。
- Compulsive drinking is bad for one' s health. 不加節制的飲酒有害健康。
- People still have a general fear for the imaginary infernal powers. 人們對於虛構的地獄中的鬼神仍具有一種普遍的恐懼。
- fear for sb's health 為某人的健康擔心
- There is a great chance of success for sb. 某人大有取得成功的機會。
- The miners' families fear for the lives of the men trapped underground. 礦工家屬為被困井下的工人的生命而擔憂。
- Be instrumental in doing sth for sb. 為某人干某事出力。
- In the mood for sth. Keep an eye on for sb. 為某人留意著留意,為某人照看著保持健康。
- I fear for the safety of those mountain climber in this sudden bad weather. 在這突如其來的壞天氣里我真擔心那些登山隊員們的安全。
- Have a motherly affection for sb. 對某人懷有母親般的慈愛。
- Have the great love and esteem for sb. 非常愛戴某人。
- Hang-gliding holds no fears for her. 她一點也不害怕懸挂式滑翔。
- Her grandpa' s health is improving little by little. 她爺爺的健康狀況在漸漸變好。
- Determine to do something for sb. 決定未某人做某事。
- He began to mistrust and fear for his life. 他開始懷疑並且為自己的生命感到擔憂。
- Make it [a place, things] warm for sb. 使某人處境為難;懲罰某人
- Bad habits of daily life may endanger a person'' s health. 一些不良的生活習慣會威脅人的身體健康.
- Rose: Why? Didn't you fear for your life? 玫瑰:為什麼?難道你不怕生命受到威脅?
- Have a soft corner in one's heart for sb. 傾心於某人,特別喜愛某人。