- Reservoirs in Zhangdian oilfield, a complicated fault block oilfield, are mainly of fault nose and fault-litholog-ic types, and show "imbricated" distribution. 張店油田屬於複雜斷塊油田,其油藏類型主要為斷鼻、斷層-岩性油藏,油氣分佈規律為「疊瓦狀」。
- Summarize the character of complicated fault block oilfield, establish thehydrocarbon accumulation mode of complicated fault block pool, and anatomize thestructure forming mechanism of northern slope zone. 總結出了複雜斷塊油田的油藏特點,建立了複雜斷塊群油氣運聚模式,解剖了北部斜坡帶構造形成機制。
- Fine Structure Research of Fault Block Oilfield 斷塊油藏精細構造研究
- complicated fault block oilfield 複雜斷塊油田
- In this paper, the application effect of different methods on recovery calibration in complex minor fault block oilfields of Jiangsu petroliferous province is evaluated. 對江蘇油區複雜小斷塊油田採收率標定方法的應用效果進行了評價,認為在用經驗公式法計算採收率時,要考慮注采井網的完善程度;
- Support program and practice of drilling and production technology in Zhangdian complicated fault block oilfield 張店複雜斷塊油田鑽采工藝配套方案與實踐
- Application of boron neutron life-time log in Dongxin complex fault block oilfield 硼中子壽命測井在東辛複雜斷塊油田的應用
- PI Decision-making Technique and Its Application to Profile Correction in A Fault Block Oilfield PI決策技術在斷塊油田調剖中的應用
- Technology of Fine Structure Research in Progressive Development of Little Fault Block Oilfield 小斷塊油田滾動開發中的構造精細研究技術
- Combined Oil and Gas Delivery Pump Depressuring Gathering in Remote Small Fault Block Oilfield 邊遠小斷塊油田油氣混輸泵降壓集輸
- Anan oilfield is a typical low permeability complex fault block reservoir. 阿南油田屬低滲透複雜斷塊油田,斷層比較發育,構造極為破碎。
- Mian14 Area of Bamianhe Oilfield is a fault block and high-viscosity oil reservoir, with sanding formation and very different permeability. 摘要八面河油田面14區為斷塊稠油油藏,油層出砂,滲透率差異大。
- The result obtained from production profile logs in a fault block of Wenliu oilfield is good. 在文留油田某區塊取得了很好的應用效果。
- Two types of fan deltaic sequences have been identified in Bijia fault block,Binnan Oilfield,i e.near source sequence and far source sequenec. 濱南油田畢家斷塊扇三角洲分為粗粒突變型(近源型)和細粒漸變型(遠源型)兩種層序。由第四砂層組到第一砂層組,表現為由淺水到半深水的逐漸演化過程。
- Rolling and Out-laying of Complex Fault Block Oilfields Based on PDCA Circulation 基於PDCA循環的複雜斷塊油田滾動擴邊
- The application of this system in fault block T143 of Shengtuo oilfield, which is high temperature, high salt content, and mid-low permeability, has achieved good result. 經過在勝索油田T143斷塊高溫、高鹽中低滲油藏的應用,取得了較好的效果,對現場具有指導作用。
- Severe interlayer interference and reserves production imbalance occur in the late high water cut stage in the complex fault block reservoirs of the Dongxin Oilfield. 東辛油田是多油層複雜斷塊油藏,開發後期存在層間干擾嚴重和儲量動用不均衡的問題。
- The reservoir in fault block Zao35 oi Zaoyuan oilfield is a volcanic heavy oil reservoir with complex reservoir space and structure, and is difficult to develop. 棗園油田棗35斷塊油藏是儲集空間和構造類型複雜的火山岩稠油油藏,油田開發難度較大。
- In C13,34 fault block of Ciyutuo oilfield,since the complex geologic condition of oil bed,and the high crude viscosity,the oil well contamination was serious. 茨榆坨油田茨13,34塊邊部油層地質狀況複雜,原油粘度較高,油井污染問題日益突出,儲量難以開發,嚴重束縛了區塊發展。