- He stumbled over a stump and fell flat on his face. 他給樹樁一絆,摔了個嘴啃泥。
- Fall flat on one's face. 直挺挺地面朝下跌倒。
- fall flat on one's back 摔個仰八叉
- She fell flat on her face as she got out of the car. 她一下車便直挺挺地臉朝下倒了下去。
- stumble and fall flat on one's face 跌了個狗吃屎
- The drunkard staggered and fell flat on the street. 那酒鬼搖搖晃晃地倒在街上。
- His next television venture fell flat on its face. 他的下一個電視項目丟人現眼,徹底失敗了。
- Stepping forward to receive my award what do I do but fall flat on my face. 我走上前去領獎,卻沒料到摔趴在地上。
- His speech fell flat on the audience. 他的演講一點也引不起聽眾的興趣。
- The movie fell flat on the audience. 觀眾對這部影片反應平平。
- No matter how bad you wanna just fall flat on your face and collapse. 無論你多想倒下,瀕臨崩潰邊緣。
- Mark is frozen in place. Paul staggers back two steps and falls flat on his butt. 馬克怔在原地。保羅趔趄著往後退了兩步,一屁股坐在了地板上。
- In order to avoid falling flat on his face, the meditator leans back, causing an exaggerated hollowing in the lower back. 為避免向前翻到,冥想者往後靠,就造成在背部的下部形成一個誇張的凹陷。
- The wounded man staggered and fell flat on the floor. 受傷者搖搖晃晃撲倒在地。
- And when you do a roll of knitting and a roll of pearling, it's bumpy on one side, and flat on the other. 當你編織一卷針織品和花邊的時候,它總是一邊有突起,一邊平整。
- If he tries to tackle that kind of market before he's made a thorough study. He'll fall flat on his face. 如果他事先不透徹研究市場,就想處理那種市場問題,那他必敗無疑。
- He had not gone many steps before he stumbled on the uneven ground and fell flat on his face. 他在那高低不平的地面上才走了幾步,就被絆了一下,直挺挺地跌趴在地上。
- fall flat on one's face 遭到丟臉的挫折
- He stumbled on the uneven ground and fell flat on his face. 他在不平的地上絆了一跤,摔了個嘴啃地。