- She has smashed the world record(= broken it by a large amount). 她大破世界紀錄。
- However,someone who sells short the shares may end up with very substantial losses if the price rises by a large amount. 然而,要是價格大幅度上升,賣空股票的人士可能會蒙受巨大虧損。
- However, someone who sells short the shares may end up with very substantial losses if the price rises by a large amount. 然而,要是價格大幅度上升,賣空股票的人士可能會蒙受巨大虧損。
- The heat capacity of water is also very high or in other words, a large amount of heat is needed to raise its temperature by a degree. 水的熱容量很大,或者換句話說,要使水的溫度提高1度,需要大量的熱。
- The meeting carried the motion by a large majority. 會議以多數通過了這項提議。
- The car was fetched up short by a red light. 汽車一下子被紅燈攔住了。
- The suggestion was voted down by a large majority. 這項建議以較大的多數否決了。
- I was brought up short by a terrible thought. 一個可怕的念頭閃過,我一下子愣住了。
- Her singing career was cut short by a car accident. 她的歌唱事業被一場車禍所終結。
- The heat capacity of water is also very high or in other words,a large amount of heat is needed to raise its temperature by a degree. 水的熱容量很大,或者換句話說,要使水的溫度提高1度,需要大量的熱。
- I was cut short by a loud applause. 我的話被一陣熱烈的掌聲打斷。
- Now our country uses the pre-alloyed powder in a large amount too so the product quality has been improved by a large margin. 我國現在也大量應用預合金粉末,產品質量得到了大幅度提高,有序排列、均布排列已基本成熟,相信不久的將來,我國金剛石工具會趕超世界先進水平。
- There is a large country house surrounded by a manor. 那兒是一所莊園大宅第。
- Remove the solid chemicals thoroughly, then rinse the casualty with a large amount of water; the liquid chemicals can be rinsed by a large amount of water. 應先把固體狀化學劑清除,然後用大量清水替傷病者沖洗,而液體狀化學劑可用大量清水沖洗。
- Sucrose is a common nutritive disaccharide which,when consumed by a large amount,will have an adverse effect on such special group of people as diabetics. 蔗糖是最常見的營養性雙糖,蔗糖的大量食用對糖尿病患者等特殊人群有一定的影響。
- The normal human interertebral disk consists of a large amount of extracellular matrix interspersed by a small number of cells that make up approximately 1% of the total olume. 正常的椎間盤包括大量的細胞外基質,基質中散布著少量的細胞,這些細胞只佔間盤總體積的1%25。
- The houses were scorched out by a large fire. 房子被一場大火燒焦了。
- In particular,if instead of increasing,the output of Anshan Iron and Steel Company falls short by two or three thousand tons a day,others will be unable to make up the difference. 特別是鞍鋼,它的產量要是上不去,一天掉下來兩三千噸,別的廠是沒有辦法補起來的。
- The civil rights bill carried by a large majority. 公民權利法案獲得大多數同意而通過。
- The shop was mobbed by a large crowd. 這家商店遭到一大群人的襲擊。