- The superorganism of an empire of cockroaches. 和蟑螂空存活的超個體,
- He started off with one small factory, and now he's the head of an oil empire. 他開始只經營一家小工廠,如今已成為一個石油大企業的頭兒。
- This defeat shattered Napoleon's dreams of an empire in the Middle East and India. 這次失敗粉碎了拿破崙企圖在中東和印度建立帝國的迷夢。
- The oriole dips, the swallow madly wings. Ah, but birds care nothing for the fate of an empire! 鶯顛燕狂關甚興亡!
- Under king Ur-Nammu, the city established itself as the capital of an empire that rivalled that of the Akkadian rulers. 在國王烏爾納姆的統治下,這個城市自立為一個帝國的首都,用於對抗阿卡德的統治者。
- The relationship between the members of an empire is an unequal relationship between the ruler and the subject. 帝國中統各個成員的的關係是不平等的,是統治者和庶民之間的關係。
- Richard Wentworth will speak about his rich experiences as an Englishman at the end of an Empire. 理查德?溫沃茨將為您娓娓道來他以一個英國人的視角所擁有的各種經歷。
- This is a dramatic story of the formation of an empire that colonised the world. 之後又由於什麽原因落得屈居人後的下場?
- My inn had once been a part of an ancient ecclesiastical house. 我的客棧曾經是一個古老教會的房子的一部分。
- Napoleon conquered by the force of an iron will. 拿破崙攻無不克靠的是堅強的意志。
- He's of an age when he ought to settle down. 他已經到了應該安頓下來的年齡了。
- There are rumours of an impending merger. 有謠傳說是快要合併了。
- The play is about the fall of an honest man. 這齣戲是關於一個誠實的人墮落的故事。
- Tengus can't be the backbone of an Empire army, that is why Empires Tier 2 introduced the Chopper VX. 天狗不是帝國軍隊的支柱,這就是為什麼帝國的二級武器是VX機甲。
- I see the vase in the window of an antique shop. 我在一家古玩店的櫥窗里看見了那個花瓶。
- As scientist extraordinaire and author of an empire of science-fiction books, Arthur C.Clarke is one of the farthest-seeing visionaries of our time. 身為優異科學家及一整個科幻小說王國的創造者,克拉克也是我們時代最有遠見的夢想家之一。
- Those are signs of an unquiet mind. 這是心煩意亂的表現。
- Think of it in terms of an investment. 從投資的角度來考慮那件事。
- Fidelity to our values is the reason why the United States of America grew from a small string of colonies under the writ of an empire to the strongest nation in the world. 忠誠於我們的價值觀是美利堅合眾國之所以能從一個個聽命於大帝國的弱小殖民地成長為全世界最強大國家的原因所在。
- The girl was committed to the care of an aunt. 這女孩被交給姨母照顧。