- When it comes to your credit report, the big elephant in the room is the Fair Credit Reporting Act and its subsequent amendments.All you need to know is that the FCRA gives you very specific rights. 辦卡是否得付年費是你首要的考慮,部分銀行會針對團體辦卡提供首年免年費,或是對於特定單位辦卡提供年費優惠。
- Fair Credit Reporting Act of 公平信用報告法
- The Fair Credit Reporting Act 公平信用報告法案
- fair credit reporting act 公平信賴報告法案
- Business Credit Report for XX Co., Ltd. 股份有限公司信用報告。
- Query personal credit report fees it? 查詢個人信用報告收費嗎?
- Have you checked your credit report recently? 最近你查信用記錄了嗎?
- Should a deadbeat dad`s nonpayments go on his credit report? 一個不付贍養費的父親的不付款記錄應該放進信用報告嗎?
- The Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act (FACTA) is gradually rolling out the right to each consumer for one free copy of his or her credit report from each of the three credit bureaus per year. 並且,在其他機構登錄到個人信用記錄前,可以讓信用機構事先提醒你。
- Q: Can my employer get my credit reports? 問:我的僱主能得到我的信用報告?
- This includes a consumer reporting agency that prepares your credit report. 這包括消費者報告機構,編寫您的信用報告。
- The credit reporting system is helpf ul to solve the problem arising from l ack of personal credit in China. 個人信用徵信是解決我國目前信用缺位、維護市場經濟秩序的有力手段。
- I hit him fair and square on the jaw. 我不偏不倚打中他的下巴。
- Details credit report of the beneficiary issued by the beneficiary's bank must accompany with the original documents. 這是什麼意思啊?由受益人銀行出具的受益人。
- The Fair Credit Debt Collection Act 和公正信貸債務征討法
- The FCRA promises every consumer that they are entitled to a credit report that is 100% accurate. 比如, 工行的牡丹卡有很悠久的歷史。
- Credit report presents an important piece of document that recapitulates your finances, and allocates you a score. 到底選哪個信用卡比較好?
- Luckily, consumer credit reports are translated into easy-to-read formats. 幸運的是,消費者的信貸報告轉化成通俗易懂的形式。
- Many consumers have the same thoughts as this one 「Reading my credit report was very confusing and unnerving. 許多消費者有同樣的想法,因為這一個「讀我的信用報告是非常困惑和不安。
- The Supreme Court gave a fair trial to the case. 最高法院對這一案件作出了公正的審判。