- She failed to reach the semi-finals. 她未能進入半決賽。
- If for consecutive 12 months fail to reach the sale volume, ESD reserved the rights to cancel the distribution of related products. 但在此協議執行的第一年,委託人同意給代理人完成銷售目標的彈性期。
- I fully understand that items posted after the deadline (i.e. 23 August 2008) may fail to reach the addressees before the polling day. 本人完全明白,在投寄限期(即二零零八年八月二十三日)之後投寄的郵件或許不能在投票日前寄達收件人。
- The fireman smashed the door down to reach the children. 消防員破門而入沖向孩子們。
- I / We fully understand that items posted after the deadline (i.e. 23 August 2008) may fail to reach the addressees before the polling day. 本人/我們完全明白,在投寄限期(即二零零八年八月二十三日)之後投寄的郵件或許不能在投票日前寄達收件人。
- I fully understand that items posted after the deadline (i.e. 24 November 2008) may fail to reach the addressees before the polling day. 本人完全明白,在投寄限期(即二零零八年十一月二十四日)之後投寄的郵件或許不能在投票日前寄達收件人。
- I fully understand that items posted after the deadline (i.e. 29 September 2008) may fail to reach the addressees before the polling day. 本人完全明白,在投寄限期(即二零零八年九月二十九日)之後投寄的郵件或許不能在投票日前寄達收件人。
- I fully understand that items posted after the deadline (i.e. 15 June 2009) may fail to reach the addressees before the polling day. 本人完全明白,在投寄限期(即二零零九年六月十五日)之後投寄的郵件或許不能在投票日前寄達收件人。
- They drilled through several layers of rock to reach the oil. 他們鑽透了幾層岩石以尋找石油。
- Mr. Cooper failed to reach the green through underclub. 庫柏先生因為使用射距過短的球杆而未能打到果嶺。
- I had to knock the branches back to reach the hut. 我得把樹枝推開后才能到達棚屋。
- He eased himself along the ledge to reach the terrified boy. 他小心翼翼地沿著突出的檐向那驚惶失措的男孩靠近。
- Several students failed to reach the required standard. 有幾名學生沒有達到規定的標準。
- These are not the only production teams that have overfulfilled the output quota. 超產的不單是這幾個生產隊。
- The house failed to reach its agreed price, and was bought in by the owner. 這幢房子未能達到預定的價格,於是房主把它保留下來。
- She had to press through the throng to reach the stage. 她不得不穿過擁擠的人群走上舞台。
- Kerley forces simultaneously appealed that various members observe the output quota limit strictly, does not want the excess production. 克利勒同時呼籲各成員嚴格遵守生產配額限制,不要超額生產。
- The rescuers dig frantically against time to reach the buried miners. 為救出被埋的礦工,營救人員用最快的速度拚命地挖掘。
- Among them, the relaxation of four pension funds wae the domestic venture capital industry and the Association of venture capital's expectations, but over the years fail to reach the goal. 其中,放寬四大基金投資創投事業,向來為國內創投業界及創投公會之期望,然數年來仍未能達成該項目標。
- The output of steel has reached the all-time top. 鋼的產量達到了歷史上的最高點。