- Institute for High Energy Physics. 高能物理研究所。
- Cambridge D.H.Perkins Introduction to High Energy Physics 4th ed. 高能物理學導論第4版。
- They consider isotopes of great value for the study of high energy physics. 他們認為同位素對研究高能物理學有很大價值。
- Qi Nading: Professor, Institute of High Energy Physics, CAS,Beining 100039. 漆納丁:研究員,中國科學院高能物理研究所,北京100039。
- Further application of pulsed laser technique to the study of high energy physics and cosmic ray physics are discussed. 最後,就脈衝激光技術在高能物理和宇宙線物理研究中的進一步應用作了討論。
- Dennis Kovar, Associate Director of the Office of Science for High Energy Physics at the U. 單頂夸克的產生涉及到弱核力,因此很難用實驗進行證明。
- MULTI, this data acquisition and analysis packag? is used widespr-eadty in experiments of /nuclear physios and high energy physics. multi是一個在核物理和高能物理實驗中應用較廣泛的數據獲取與數據分析軟體包。
- Cosmic Rays linked with the cosmogony, the evolution of stars, the matter distribution in space and the high energy physics processes in the cosmic environment. 宇宙射線聯繫於宇宙的形成、天體的演化、空間的環境和宇觀環境中的高能物理過程。
- Commodity hardware running the open source operating system Linux is playing various important roles in the field of high energy physics. 廉價的運行開放源代碼操作系統Linux的硬體在高能物理領域中正扮演著各種各樣重要的角色 .
- In order to compose the test systems for drift chamber readout used to high energy physics exeper iments, a CAMAC controller has been designed. 為了組成高能物理實驗中所使用的漂移室讀出系統的測試系統,研製了一種CAMAC控制器,作為TRS-80微計算機與CAMAC機箱的介面。
- Mathematic derivation and experimental results are given to show that the algorithm can meet the requirements of high energy physics grid. 理論證明和真實環境下的運行結果表明,該演算法能夠很好地滿足高能物理網格的需求。
- Beijing Spectrometer (BES) is an experimental facility of high energy physics on Beijing Electron Positron Collider (BEPC) . 北京譜儀是北京正負電子對撞機上的高能物理實驗裝置。
- As an excellent scintillation crystal, Bi4Ge3O12(BGO) has been widely used in high energy physics, space science and medical imaging et al. 摘要鍺酸鉍(BGO)晶體是一種性能良好的閃爍晶體,在高能物理、空間科學、核醫學等方面有著廣泛的應用。
- This university has six faculties, namely, Computer Science, High Energy Physics, Laser, Geo-physics, Remote Sensing and Genetic Engineering. 這所大學現有計算機科學、高能物理、激光、地球物理、遙感技術、遺傳工程六個專業。
- Various novel applications in optics, high energy physics, military, aeronautics and astronautics, and electro-chemistry are reviewed. 結合氣凝膠獨特的性質介紹了其在光學、高能物理、軍事、航空航天、電化學等領域的應用。
- This university has 6 newly-established faculties, namely electronic computer, High Energy Physics, Laser, Geophysics, Remote sensing, and Genetic Engineering. 這所大學現在電子計算機、高能物理、激光、地球物理、遙感技術、遺傳工程等六個新建的專業。
- Full attention must be paid to theoretical research in the natural sciences, including such basic subjects as modern mathematics, high energy physics and molecular biology. 要充分重視自然科學理論包括現代數學、高能物理、分子生物學等理論的研究。
- Recently, with the extension of human activities in high energy physics, nuclear physics and industry detection, there is an urge in cheaper, larger scintillator. 近年來,隨著人類在高能物理、核物理和工業探測等方面活動的加強,對成本低廉、大尺寸的閃爍體的需求也越來越迫切。