- To express opinions or judgments in a dogmatic way. 武斷地說話武斷地表明自己的意見或判斷
- Express opinions freely while respecting the rights and freedom of others. 在自由表達意見的同時;亦尊重其他人的權利及自由.
- I find no contradiction between his publicly expressed opinions and his private actions. 我覺得他的公開言論與私下行為並無二致。
- His private actions are in direct contradiction to/with (ie directly contradict) his publicly expressed opinions. 他私下的行為跟公開的言論完全是兩碼事。
- Writing: To be able to clearly express opinions with various phrases, paragraphs, and articles. 四、寫:能以英文語句、段落及文章,清楚而完整地表達意見。
- When the special committee holds a meeting to deliberate the bill, it may invite the sponsoring person to attend the meeting and express opinions. 專門委員會審議的時候,可以邀請提案人列席會議,發表意見。
- Editors and journalists who express opinions in print that are opposed to the interests of the rich are dismissed and replaced by subservient ones. 那些與富人利益作對的表達他們觀點的編輯和記者被開除了,並被那些屈從的人所取代。
- To express opinion; to use picture and context clues; to recognize rhyming words; to use music and rhyme; to listen for gist and details. 運用先前所學的指示,表達觀點;運用圖片和文章的線索,認知韻律詞;運用音樂和韻律,聽主要內容和細節。
- Expressing opinions is one example of culture difference between east and west. 表達觀點的不同是中西文化差異的一個典型例子。
- The goal of the Level II course is to develop the student's English conversation skills to be able to express opinions, share ideas and ask questions accurately and with subtlety. 本課程的理念在於加強學員英語溝通能力,除了能夠清楚地表達自己的意見、分享自己的想法外、更能夠精確的提出問題。
- Therefore, the deliberative democracy requires the participants have highability to express opinions explicitly;opening and tolerant attitude also isnecessary for the participant. 因此,協商民主對參與者的素質提出了較高的要求,要求他們能明確表達自己的意見,並有開放和包容的心態。
- A publicly expressed opinion or judgment, such as the verdict of a jury. 判決當著公眾宣布的正式的意見或判決,如陪審團的判決
- Public figures should avoid expressing opinions about things that they have not personally experienced or been directly affected by. 公眾人物應該避免表達這樣的觀點:他們沒有親自經歷或直接感受到的。
- Every time I express an opinion, she argues back. 每當我發表意見時,她總是反駁。
- His opinion differs entirely from mine. 他的意見和我的完全不同。
- No words can express the grandeur of that parade. 閱兵式那宏偉的場面是無法用語言表達的。
- I'm not going to bow down to such wrong opinions. 我不打算聽從這種錯誤的意見。
- It is better to express your anger, rather than bottle it up. 生氣寧可發泄出來而不要悶在肚內。
- It is difficult to decide between the two opinions. 在這兩種意見之間抉擇是困難的。
- She always defers to her mother's opinions. 她總是聽從她母親的意見。