- Sent the package by the most expeditious means. 以最快速有效的方式送包裹
- Sentthe package by the most expeditious means. 以最快速有效的方式送包裹。
- They are almost as expeditious and effectual as Aladdin's lamp. 他們幾乎像如意神燈那麼迅速有效。
- Please send the package by the most expeditious means. 請以最快速有效的方式送包裹
- Sealand's Certificate of Naturalisation, not available now. 西蘭公國的公民國籍歸化證明;不過現在並不開放申請.
- Na:Time for my cunning villainous escape: Expeditious Retreat! 是我狡猾而邪惡的逃脫的時候了:腳底抹油!
- Roman scholar and naturalist. He wrote the37-volume Historia Naturalis. 普林尼古羅馬學者和博物學家,他寫了三十七卷的自然史。
- Objective: To study the quality of Indigo Naturalis in the market at present. 目的:對目前市場上青黛藥材進行質量考察。
- The extraction of indigo naturalis powder with different diameters was studied. 研究提取不同粒徑青黛的溶出情況。
- He had "derivative citizenship" from his father's naturalisation around 1990. 由於他父親於1990年前後入了籍,他也承襲了公民權。
- Ensure all changes to client product are completed in an expeditious manner. 確保對所有客戶產品變更的完整和及時。
- Naturalisation is the application process by which you become British. 可是我在英國已經住滿5年了啊。。哎。。
- We instruct the Council for TRIPS to find an expeditious solution to this problem and to report to the General Council before the end of 2002. 我們指示與貿易有關的知識產權理事會迅速找到解決辦法,並在2002年底報告總理事會。
- Jelsa on-line - Cultura e storia, bellezze naturali, sport, alberghi, campeggi, alloggi privati, informazioni generali. 易易工作室-各種在線工具,站長網誌,以及多個應用項目。
- The superior man is reserved in speech but expeditious in action. / slow in speech but quick in action. 君子欲訥於言而敏於行
- Aphthae compound film of acaciae catechu and indigo naturalis has a good effect on treating rats dental ulcer. 兒茶、青黛口腔潰瘍膜對實驗性大鼠口腔潰瘍療效顯著。
- Results:Aphthae compound film of acaciae catechu and indigo naturalis has a good effect on treating rats dental ulcer. 結果:兒茶、青黛口腔潰瘍膜對實驗性大鼠口腔潰瘍療效顯著。
- Results: Aphthae compound film of acaciae catechu and indigo naturalis has a good effect on treating rats dental ulcer. 結果:兒茶、青黛口腔潰瘍膜對實驗性大鼠口腔潰瘍療效顯著。
- The same principle is seen in the naturalisation of plants through man's agency in foreign lands. 經人類的作用而使植物在異地歸化的情況,亦屬於同樣原理。