- We encourage foreign businesses to invest or expand investment in China. 我們歡迎外國公司來華投資或擴大在華投資。
- The inclusion of China into WTO paves the way for Motorola to expand investment. 無限商機正等待著我們去把握與運用,但同時我們也應當認識到競爭將會更為激烈。
- In the above analysis, the hypothetical premise is: do not expand investment, no technological progress. 在上述的分析中,假設的前提是:不擴大投資,沒有技術進步。
- In order to expand investment scale and to optimize investment structure, Changchun Economic-Technological Development Area has set a new trade and investment promotion goal. 為進一步擴大投資規模,優化投資結構,長春經濟技術開發區制定了招商引資目標。
- He hoped that the Baosteel Group in Nantong industrial transfer as the preferred way, to continue to expand investment in Nantong. 他希望寶鋼集團把南通作為產業轉移的優選地,繼續擴大在南通的投資。
- Reform enterprise's leading examination and approval system and encourage and expand investing in non- governmentally. 完善行政審批制度;採取切實可行的前置審批措施。
- Japan and China said last month that negotiations can begin on a pact aimed at expanding investment by reducing barriers among the three countries. 日本和中國表示,上個月協商即可針對一條約開始,目標是利用減少三國海關關口來拓展投資。
- Therefore, the financial supervision department should strengthen risk surveillance of RCCs』 loan quality, profitability and the effect of expanding investment. 金融監管部門應加強對農村信用社的貸款質量、盈利水平和增資擴投效果的監管。
- The company is eager to expand into new markets. 那家公司急欲開闢新的市場。
- We should mobilize the initiative of enterprises and various circles in the society to increase investment and create a social environment which is useful for expanding investment. 調動企業和社會各方面增加投資的積極性,創造有利於擴大投資的社會環境。
- Metals expand when they are heated. 金屬遇熱則膨脹。
- In addition,Invest Hong Kong seeks to strengthen its after-care service with a view to retaining and expanding investments already made. 該署又致力加強後續服務,務求令已經在香港開展業務的公司繼續在本港投資,並增加投資額。
- The king sought to expand his realm. 國王謀求擴大領土。
- They conferred on the best way to expand business. 他們商議擴展業務的最好方法。
- In addition, Invest Hong Kong seeks to strengthen its after-care service with a view to retaining and expanding investments already made. 該署又致力加強後續服務,務求令已經在香港開展業務的公司繼續在本港投資,並增加投資額。
- Would you expand on the matter a little further? 請你再進一步談談這件事好嗎?
- The petals of many flowers expand in the sunshine. 許多花的花瓣在陽光中綻放。
- At the same time, after Chinese accession to the WTO , MNCs have adjusted investment strategy in China, with carrying out strategic investment distribution and omnidirectional expanded investment. 同時,入世后跨國公司也紛紛調整了在華的投資戰略,實施了在華投資戰略性布局和全方位投資擴張新戰略,使外商直接投資呈現新的態勢。
- Think of it in terms of an investment. 從投資的角度來考慮那件事。
- Expand trade between us will be to our mutual benefits. 擴大我們之間的貿易將對我們雙方有利。