- exert a gradual, uplifting influence on; nurture; edify 熏陶
- The aesthetic pursuit in traditional culture has exerted a gradual and imperceptible influence on ideas of modern designing, while the latter has also influenced the former. 傳統文化中的審美追求潛移默化地影響著現代設計思想,而現代設計思想反過來又影響著傳統文化審美觀念。
- All this exerts a subtle influence on Dickens. 他的父親樂觀性格和幽默的才能,對狄更斯也產生了潛移默化的影響。
- to exert a gradual, uplifting influence on; to nurture; to edify; to influence gradually 熏陶
- For college students to do a part-time job will exert a profound influence on their personality and life. 打工對大學生的個性培養和今後生活都具有深遠的影響。
- It seems destined to exert a strong influence on much of geologic thinking about the Earth's past. 這似乎必然地要對有關地史的許多地質理論產生強烈影響。
- Literature and art are subordinate to politics,but in their turn,exert a great influence on politics. 文藝是從屬於政治的,但又反轉來給予偉大的影響於政治。
- Serotonin somehow exerts a calming influence on the mind. 血清張力素對於我們的心靈有一股安定的作用。
- His teaching exerted a great influence on my way of thinking. 他的教導對我的思路發生很大的影響。
- His teachings exerted a strong influence on the young people. 他的教導給年輕人施以深刻的影響。
- Here there is a gradual descent to the sea. 這裡有個通向海的緩坡。
- However, Hegel exerts a subtle influence on the thought of Kierkegaard. 然而,克爾凱郭爾的思想又受到黑格爾潛移默化的影響。
- The child has a gradual awakening to the joy of music. 那孩子漸漸領悟到音樂的樂趣。
- It will exert a widespread and profound influence on the Chinese revolution and play a decisive role in defeating Japanese imperialism. 這將給予中國革命以廣大的深刻的影響,將對於打倒日本帝國主義發生決定的作用。
- Successfully holding comprehensive sports events will exert a great influence on the development of the host city. 大型體育賽事的成功舉辦會對舉辦城市的發展產生重大影響。
- His wife has had a civilizing influence on him. 他妻子對改進他言談舉止有潛移默化的影響。
- Globalization exerted a tremendous influence on modern Arabic literature. 全球化對阿拉伯文學的影響是多方面的。
- The child had a gradual awakening to the joys of music. 那孩子漸漸領悟到音樂的樂趣。
- This forum invited participation from the most influential law schools of the day. It will surely exert a significant influence on the future of law education. 此次論壇邀請了當今世界最有影響的法學院的代表,勢必會對法學教育的發展前景產生深遠的影響。
- The land slopes to the sea by a gradual descent. 陸地逐漸向海邊傾斜。