- The exclusive right of a country to operate the air traffic within its territory. 領空權一個國家所專有的在其領空內進行領空交通的權利
- The causation of other damage to the exclusive right of others′ registered trademarks. 給他人的註冊商標專用權造成其他損害的。
- Article 11 The administration departments for industry and commerce has the right to investigate and deal with the infringement of the exclusive right of the Olympic Symbols. 第十一條 對侵犯奧林匹克標誌專有權的行為,工商行政管理部門有權依法查處。
- Broadcasting organizations shall have the exclusive right of authorizing the transmission of their broadcasts following fixation of such broadcasts. 廣播組織應享有授權在其廣播節目被錄製后播送此種廣播節目的專有權。
- Broadcasting organizations shall enjoy the exclusive right of authorizing the direct or indirect reproduction, in any manner or form, of fixations of their broadcasts. 廣播組織應享有授權以任何方式或形式對其廣播節目的錄製品直接或間接地進行複製的專有權。
- Yesterday, cent numerous shape accuses big profit hair to disobey " exclusive right of administration " one case is in contract dispute Shanghai 2 quadrangle are sessional. 昨日,分眾狀告大潤發違反「獨家經營權」的合同糾紛一案在上海市二中院開庭。
- It gives the copyright owner of that creative work not only the exclusive right to 「publish」 the work, but also the exclusive right of control over any 「copies」 of that work. 它不但給予了版權所有者對於創作性作品獨家「出版」的權利,而且使其能夠排他地對此作品的任何一份「拷貝」進行控制。
- Such acts infringe the exclusive right of the right owner. The dispute over the infringement of the exclusive right of the Olympic Symbols may be settled by mediation. 第十條 未經奧林匹克標誌權利人許可,為商業目的擅自使用奧林匹克標誌,即侵犯奧林匹克標誌專有權,引起糾紛的,由當事人協商解決;
- Article 38. Publishers shall enjoy exclusive right of exploitation in typographical design of the books, newspapers and periodicals they have published. 第三十八條出版者對其出版的圖書、報紙、雜誌的版式、裝幀設計,享有專有使用權。
- Performers shall enjoy the exclusive right of authorizing the direct or indirect reproduction of their performances fixed in phonograms, in any manner or form. 錄音物製作人應享有授權以任何方式或形式,直接或間接重製其錄音物之專有權利。
- A copy made by this method of duplication. 油印品通過這種方法印製的印刷品
- Disputes for infringement of the applicant right and the exclusive rights of the variety certificate owner. 侵犯申請人權利及品種證書所有人專屬權利的爭議。
- Broadcasting organizations shall enjoy the exclusive right of authorizing the retransmission of their broadcasts by any means, including rebroadcasting, retransmission by wire, and retransmission over computer networks. 廣播組織應享有授權以包括轉播、以有線方式轉播和通過計算機網路轉播在內的任何方式轉播其廣播節目的專有權。
- The title of protection shall be the certificate of registration of the industrial design, which shall confer on its owner an exclusive right of exploitation on the territoryof Romania. 授予保護權后應頒發工業設計註冊證書。該證書所有者享有在羅馬尼亞境內進行開發的專有權。
- This company has exclusive rights for the sale of Ford cars in the city. 這家公司享有福特汽車在本市的獨家經銷權。
- Abstract: The exclusive right of counterplea of the mortgagee is an important mean to resist performance of mortgage so that the mortgagors' legal right can be protected temperarily or permanently. 文章摘要: 從第三人為抵押人出發,抵押人憑藉專有抗辯權不僅可以對抗抵押權人的抵押權,而且可以暫時或永久地擺脫擔保責任的束縛,保全自己的財產利益。
- The exclusive rights of patent protect inventors and it assignees, then reveal the prelude of Knowledge-based economy. 專利的排他權保護髮明人與其權利人,由此揭開了知識經濟的序幕。
- In Continental Laws, victims are considered to be a party in the litigation, which enjoys exclusive rights of appeal other than the persecutors. 德、法等大陸法系國家的刑事訴訟法中,被害人一般具有當事人的地位,法律明確規定了被害人所享有的訴訟權利。在德國,被害人具有獨立於檢察官的上訴權。
- Is there a right of way across these fields? 人們有權通過這些田地嗎?
- The Agreement,incorporating the substantive provisions of the Berne Convention (1971),allows Members to place minor limitations on the exclusive rights of copyright owners. 該協定融合了《伯爾尼公約》1971中的實體條款,允許成員對版權持有人的權利進行稍微的(minor)的限制。