- To prohibit using excessive punishments 淫刑嚴禁
- She begs them not to punish her son severely. 她懇求他們不要給他兒子太重的處罰。
- Excessive patriotism can lead to xenophobia. 愛國主義過了頭即可導致仇視一切外國人。
- Never spend in excess of your income. 花錢切不可超過自己的收入。
- Don't carry your anger to excess. 不要肝火過盛。
- The great thieves punish the little ones. [諺]大賊罰小賊; 大魚吃小魚。
- Excessive rainfall had made the harvest impossible. 雨量過多,豐收已經不可能了。
- Excessive sexual desire in a female. 女性色情狂女性過多的性慾
- The king oppressed his people with terrible taxes and punishments. 國王以苛捐雜稅和嚴刑來壓迫人民。
- They made excessive profits from the drug rackets. 他們從毒品非法交易中獲取暴利。
- Excessive drinking does harm to the system. 過度飲酒對身體有害。
- Excessive drinking did harm to his health. 過量飲酒損害了他的健康。
- The food was bad and the bill was excessive. 菜不好而價格卻極高。
- His excessive familiarity made her uncomfortable. 他過分的親昵使她不舒服。
- If you go near the water and tumble in, I shall punish you. 你要是靠近水邊掉到水裡,我要懲罰你的。
- His excessive politeness seemed fishy. 他禮貌過度周到,令人覺得有些可疑。
- Our school has a student number in excess of 800. 我們學校的學生數超過八百人。
- The chief of the police department demanded severe punishments for criminals. 警察局長要求嚴懲罪犯。
- Excessive love or admiration of oneself. 自我陶醉對自己的過高熱愛或愛慕
- The punishments inflicted on the children were too severe. 對這些孩子的處罰過於嚴厲。