- It is never excessively cold in winter there. 那兒的冬天一向不太冷。
- It is neither hot nor cold in winter here. 這裡冬天既不熱也不冷。
- She felt cold in her flimsy dress. 她穿著單薄的衣服覺得很冷。
- Sam was in the cold in the conversation. 在談話中沒人理會山姆。
- It's so cold in this room we're nearly frozen out. 這屋裡真冷,可把我們凍壞了
- He put on a thick sweater since it was cold in the morning. 早晨很冷,他穿上了一件厚毛衣。
- It is hot in summer here, but it is not cold in winter. 這裡夏天熱,但冬天不冷。
- Set up by a severe cold in October, Mary could not throw off her pneumonia. 瑪麗十月間得過一場重感冒,抵抗力大為減弱,因而肺炎難以痊癒。
- He lay pale and cold in his gorgeous bed. 他臉色蒼白、冰冷地躺在他那華麗的床上。
- Hans: Is it very cold in winter? 漢斯:冬天很冷嗎?
- It is very cold in the Arctic Circle all the year. 北極圈內終年寒冷。
- It is cold in winter, we wear worm clothes. 冬天冷,我們穿暖和的衣服。
- It is neither hot in summer,nor cold in winter. 夏天不熱,冬天不冷。
- I never thought it would be so cold in New York. 我沒想到紐約會這麼冷。
- You must have been very cold in that diligence! 你們在車子里沒有受涼吧!
- He was knocked out cold in the second round. 他在第二輪中被擊倒失去了知覺。
- Our house can be very cold in (the) winter. 我們的房子到了冬天可能會非常冷。
- It's very windy and cold in spring. 聽第二段對話,完成第13至15題。
- For cold and influenza, alternating chill and fever, malaria, fullness in chest and rib cage, irregular menses, prolapse of uterus, and prolapse of rectum. 用於感冒發熱,寒熱往來,瘧疾,肝鬱氣滯,胸脅脹痛,脫肛,子宮脫垂,月經不不調。
- There was a certain coldness in her attitude towards me. 她對我的態度有點兒冷淡。