- Excavation of the site will begin tomorrow. 明天開始挖掘工作。
- The excavation of the buried city took a long time. 發掘埋在地下的城市花了很長時間。
- The excavation of the bur city take a long time. 發掘埋在地下的城市花了很長時間。
- Because of excavation of cutting and deeping, creep slope appeared traction sliding under the action of rainfall and ground water penetration. 由於改擴建路塹開挖與降深,蠕滑邊坡在降雨和地下水滲透作用下,出現牽引式滑塌。
- She has a book full of cuttings about her film. 她有一本書貼滿了關於她的一些影片的剪報。
- The excavation of the lost city took a long time. (消失的城市花了很多時間才被挖掘出來)。
- I tend to is a bit leery of cut price'bargains'. 我對減價商品有點戒心。
- This wall was built of cut stone. 這堵牆是用琢下的石頭造成的。
- Eth accelerated the senescence of cut flowers. 0.;3mmol/LSTS脈衝液在常溫下對延長切花壽命沒有明顯作用。
- I tend to is a bit leery of cut price 'bargains'. 我對減價商品有點戒心.
- He put a good deal of cut on the ball. 他給球加了很多轉。
- A long row of cut hay or grain left to dry in a field before being bundled. 攤成行吹乾的穀物(或草等)在打成捆之前放在地里晾乾的一長排割下的乾草或穀物
- The parallel cut is a key technique for excavation of tunnel s by deep-hole blasting.The depth of a blast-hole affects the cut bl asting greatly. 直眼掏槽是隧道掘進深孔爆破中的關鍵技術,炮孔深度對掏槽爆破效果有重要影響。
- Scissors are for the purpose of cutting. 剪刀是專門用來剪東西的。
- This paper presents a presplitting test in medium-hard fissured redsandstone during cut excavation of Xianglei high-speed highway in Hunan Province. 介紹了湖南省湘耒高速公路邊坡開挖爆破施工時,在中等堅硬且裂隙發育紅砂岩地區實施預裂爆破的試驗情況。
- A figure or design formed by this kind of cutting. 雕像雕刻出來的人物或圖案
- The excavation of left bank abutment of the Hongjiadu hydroelectric project was the highest cut slope in the hydropower construction project then. 摘要洪家渡水電站左岸壩肩工程為當時水利水電建設工程中最大高度的邊坡開挖。
- The tortoise is in the act of cutting a tree. 烏龜在行動,拿彎刀砍大樹。
- That's the result of cutting down trees. 這就是砍伐樹木的結果。
- Abstract: The parallel cut is a key technique for excavation of tunnel s by deep-hole blasting.The depth of a blast-hole affects the cut bl asting greatly. 摘 要: 直眼掏槽是隧道掘進深孔爆破中的關鍵技術,炮孔深度對掏槽爆破效果有重要影響。