- The emperor was actually a political eunuch. 那個皇帝實際上沒有政治實權。
- They can now establish outright dictatorship. 他們現在可以建立起徹頭徹尾的獨裁製度了。
- The country was then living under a military dictatorship. 那個國家當時正處在軍事獨裁統治之下。
- That country is now living under a military dictatorship. 那個國家現在正處于軍事獨裁統治之下。
- The fall of the fascist dictatorship was followed by a left-wing backlash. 法西斯專政的垮台引起左翼運動的高漲。
- The dictatorship of the proletariat is one of the aims of Communism. 無產階級專政是共產主義的目標之一。
- Here lived the concubines and eunuchs. 妃嬪和太監們都住在這裡。
- It would be dangers if the eunuchs get on position. 宦官當權是危險的。
- His dictatorship was threatened by his opponents. 他的獨裁遭到反對派的威脅。
- It has been a dictatorship for three years. 該國成為獨裁國家已有三年。
- It is the dictatorship of factionalism. 是派性專政。
- The emperorwas actually a political eunuch. 那個皇帝實際上沒有政治實權。
- Who is to exercise this dictatorship? 誰來行使專政呢?
- Tang Dynasty eunuch Gao Lishi was from Gaozhou. 唐朝的宦官高力士就是高州人。
- One of these forces was dictatorship or despotism. 其中有一個因素既是專制獨裁製度。
- Philip talked with an Ethiopian eunuch. 腓利與衣索匹亞的太監談話。
- We cannot do without dictatorship. 沒有專政手段是不行的。
- Can eunuch become metamorphic operation? 太監能做變性手術嗎?
- Eunuch:Ising not a widow is a few person! 太監:不是寡婦,是寡人!
- When liberty becomes license dictatorship is near. 當自由變成了放縱,專政就不會遠了。