the principles of right and wrong that are accepted by an individual or a social group;
"the Puritan ethic"
"a person with old-fashioned values"
a system of principles governing morality and acceptable conduct
用作名詞 (n.)
After Martin Luther, Jean Calvin advanced the protestant ethic. 繼馬丁·路德之後,加爾文進一步發展了新教倫理。
This is of utmost importance, as a young student must be encouraged to socialize with smart, friendly students who have a strong work ethic. 這是非常重要的,因為必須鼓勵一個新來的學生和聰明、好而且有很好道德規範的那些學生打成一片。
Our professional ethic enjoins us to stay uncommitted and report the facts. 我們的職業道德要求我們要保持中立,報道事實真相。