- The river opens out suddenly into a broad estuary. 江面忽然開闊起來,形成一個寬廣的河。
- The railway is under threat of closure. 那條鐵路有停止運營的跡象。
- The closure of the large factory made many workers live in idleness. 那家大工廠倒閉,使許多工人失業。
- The stream debouches into the estuary. 這條河流入河口灣。
- Police reported the closure of the road/that the road was closed. 警方宣布那條道路禁止通行。
- There are many boats in the estuary. 港灣里有許多小船。
- He was the only one to speak out against the closure of the hospital. 只有他一人直言不諱地表示反對關閉醫院。
- Serious lack of circulating fund forced the closure of the company. 公司因嚴重缺乏流動資金而被迫關閉。
- Battleships riding at the mouth of the estuary. 戰艦停泊在海港入口處
- The ship has touched bottom the estuary must be shallower than we thought. 船擱淺了--這河口的水比我們想像的要淺。
- Of, relating to, or found in an estuary. 港灣的在港灣中形成(或淤積的)或與之相關的
- Lack of money forced the closure of the company. 公司因缺錢而被迫關閉。
- The estuary has a sense of history and heritage. 試譯:這個港灣有種歷史傳統感。
- Turbidity Maximum in the Changjiang Estuary II. 長江河口最大渾濁帶2。
- The strike forced the closure of the factory. 罷工迫使該廠關閉。
- The threat of closure affected the workers' morale. 工廠行將倒閉一事影響著工人的士氣.
- Can the school be saved from closure? 能保全這所學校不致關閉嗎?
- We live near the Thames estuary. 我們的住處靠近泰晤士河入海口。
- The closure of the car factory had a knock-on effect on the tyre manufacturers. 汽車廠關閉后,輪胎製造商受到間接的影響。
- Finally brought the project to closure. 最後方案被截止了