- He is working double tides to finish his essay. 他日夜苦幹,趕寫他的文章。
- Try to prune your essay of irrelevant detail. 盡量刪去你那文章中無關的細節。
- He wrote a composition or (he) read an essay. 他寫作文或讀散文。
- This essay is admirable in all respects. 這篇文章在各方面都很值得欣賞。
- The clerk attached a price tag to each article. 店員給每一件商品繫上標價簽。
- I had turn over my essay to the professor. 我已經把論文交給教授了。
- The article is devoid of substantial matter. 這篇文章缺乏實質性的內容。
- She has held forth her views in her essay. 她已經在她的文章中闡述了自己的看法。
- His essay was a hotchpotch of other people's ideas. 他的文章是把別人的想法拼湊在一起的大雜燴。
- The student made a creditable effort on the essay. 這個學生在這篇短論上所作的努力值得讚揚
- The article is an attempt to defame an honest man. 這篇文章旨在詆毀一個正直的人。
- The article is a savage attack on her past action. 那篇文章對她過去的行為進行了惡毒的攻擊。
- The article has too many false presumptions. 這篇文章中憑空臆測的東西太多。
- His essay was carried in the June number. 他的散文登載在六月號上。
- Her article was a counterblast to her critics. 她的文章有力地回擊了那些批評者。
- I'm tickled pink that my essay won the prize. 我的文章獲獎了,我高興得要命。
- Never pad out your essay with irrelevant details. 千萬別用不相干的細節來拉長文章。
- I really sweated over my last essay. 我的確下功夫寫了上次那篇文章。
- Your article is a bit long for our paper. 你的文章對我們的報紙而言長了一點。
- He ran off an article for the local newspaper. 他為當地報紙匆匆寫了篇文章。