- The patient was hospitalized with a one-month history of jaundice, abdominal fullness, and poor appetite. 約有百分之五的肝癌病人會以黃疸癥狀來表現,起因在於癌細胞侵入或腫瘤壓迫膽道系統而造成阻塞性黃疸。
- For health, physique poor appetite and poor treatment of diseases, or diseases, pregnancy and post-partum recovery, pet can. 多病,體質差,食慾不佳以及病後或疾病治療中、孕期、產後恢復的寵物使用可快速改善體質,縮短疾病治療時間儘快恢復健康。
- Discomfort? Yes .I hae tenderness of my breast and poor appetite .I feel nauseous in the morning , but I don\'t feel like omiting. 病人:不舒服?可不是。乳房發脹而且胃口不好。早晨噁心可又不想吐。
- The kimchi seasoned with Dioscorea batas is good for lowering blood sugar, preventing aging and curing diabetes and poor appetite. 在泡菜中加入甘薯,則可以降低血糖,延緩衰老,治療糖尿病和厭食症。
- Deficiency of Qi (vital energy) and Blood, insufficiency of genuine Qi and inborn Qi, incapability of close intimacies, soreness of waist/loin/back, weakness of limbs, dizziness and poor appetite. 氣血虧損、元氣不足、力不從心、腰酸背痛、頭暈目眩、四肢無力、食欲不振。
- Yang Yuhuan, the most favorable imperial concubine of Tang Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty, once suffered from distention and fullness of the stomach duct and abdomen, diarrhea, and poor appetite. 唐代唐玄宗的寵妃楊玉環,脘腹脹滿,大便泄瀉,不思飲食。
- How can we bridge the gap between rich and poor? 怎樣才能縮小貧富之間的差距?
- She seemed to have a poor appetite and just pecked her food. 她看起來食欲不振,只是勉強吃了點東西。
- There is always a vast chasm between rich and poor. 貧富的鴻溝始終存在。
- Mars is too dry and poor in oxygen. 火星上面過於乾燥,並且缺乏氧氣。
- I can not just turn my back on him now because he's ill and poor. 現在他貧病交加,我可不能不加理會。
- I can't just turn my back on him now that he's ill and poor. 我不能因為他貧病交迫而背棄他。
- 1.Sleepiness, fatigue, looking yellowed, and poor appetite. 1.;睏倦、乏力、面色泛黃、胃口不佳。
- In the grave the rich and poor lie equal. 一朝入暮穴,貧富皆一律。
- It is unfair to tax rich and poor equally. 讓富人和窮人同等地交稅是不公平的。
- The common symptom in these patients was poor appetite. 這些病人的共同癥狀是胃口不好。
- Mercury is too dry and poor in oxygen. 水星上面過於乾燥,並且缺乏氧氣。
- Poor appetite is one of the symptoms of TV syndrome. 食欲不振是電視綜合症的癥狀之一。
- He woos both high and low, both rich and poor. 他追起女人來,不論貴賤貧富。
- Both rich and poor are equal in the grave. 一堆黃土掩貧富。