- Thus expedite both entry and exit formality. 這樣有助於您辦理出、入境手續。
- Source: Bureau of Entry and Exit, NPA, MOI, ROC. 資料來源:內政部警政署入出境管理局。
- Additional actions may be performed on state entry and exit. 在狀態進入和退出時可能執行其他動作。
- Handling the procedures for the entry and exit ports for ships, contacting for and arranging for pilotage, berthing and port handling; 辦理船舶進出港口手續,聯繫安排引航、靠泊和裝卸;
- The enclosed canopy opens upward from the rear to allow for entry and exit. 打開封閉的天篷向上從後方允許入境和出境。
- Identifying and studying these factors will provide some clues to the entry and exit points of the investments. 辨別和研究這些因素,可為投資的進退決定提供線索。
- In pure competition, as expounded by the late-nineteenth-century economist Marshall, entry and exit determine the long-run equilibrium of an industry. 在純粹競爭條件下,正象十九世紀後期的經濟學家馬歇爾揭示的那樣,加入和離開決定某一工業部門的長期平衡。
- The department of agriculture administration under the State Council shall be in charge of the entry and exit animal and plant quarantine in the whole country. 國務院農業行政主管部門主管全國進出境動植物檢疫工作。
- To get in touch with foreign experts as well as management of their employment and entry and exit procedures. 來華外國專家的聯絡、聘請、出入境手續的辦理及日常管理工作。
- Other types of logging statements consist of simple method entry and exit information. 其他類型的日誌語句由簡單的方法進入和退出信息組成。
- Before you enter the country, you have to obtain visas, entry and exit permits of that country. 在你入境之前,必須具備簽證、出入境許可證。
- By following the entry and exit points, it is possible to see any unexpected code paths taken by the program. 透過追蹤進入和退出點,可以看出程序是否採用了意外的程式碼路徑。
- In addition, we also explore whether switch ratio is the determinant of the entry and exit. 此外,由於台灣製造業轉業的情形相當普遍,我們亦討論轉業對於廠商參進與退出的影響。
- The automatic doors in supermarkets __facilitated__ the entry and exit of customers with shopping carts. 超市的自動門給用購物車的顧客進出帶來了方便。
- Siegfried, J.J., Evans, L.B.1994.Empirical Studies of Entry and Exit: A Survey of the Evidence. 楊蕙馨.;中國企業的進入退出:1985-2000年汽車與電冰箱產業的案例研究,中國經濟學年會2003年會論文。
- BOBOPET has a rich experience in entry and exit for pets from home or abroad. We provide convenient and express agent service to you. BOBOPET有著豐富的國內、外寵物出入境手續辦理經驗,可以為您提供專業快捷的全程代理服務。
- Support people to study abroad, encourage their return to serve the country, and guarantee them free entry and exit to China. 支持留學,鼓勵回國服務,保證來去自由。
- Most APCs can be entered by using the rear doors, but note that the BTR-90 entry and exit points are from the doors on the side. 大部分APC需要從後方進入,但注意,BTR-90的進入、離開位置是側門。
- This is because fundamental analysis does not provide for specific entry and exit points, and therefore makes it difficult to control risk when using leverage. 這是因為基本面分析不足以提供準確的進場和出場點,因此在使用槓桿交易時難以控制風險。
- These can be inside or outside the system boundaries.And this decides whether a special build of the system is required with instrumentation of the entry and exit timings. 它們可以位於系統邊界的內部或者外部,並決定了是否用控制進出時機的工具來構建一個特殊系統。