- Color bubble products to enter into market in Christmas high season 2005美髮明大獎彩色泡泡產品聖誕將上市
- It's time for us to enter into business talk. 是我們開始談生意的時間了。
- Let's not enter into details at this stage. 咱們不要在現階段著手處理具體問題。
- We'll enter into the next issue this afternoon. 今天下午我們討論下一個議題。
- I enter into partnership with him to do export business. 我與他合夥做出口生意。
- Advise to Chinese drug manufacturers to enter into US market. 對中國製藥企業進入美國市場的建議。
- They reduced the prices to enter into the competitive market. 為進入競爭激烈的市場。他們降低了價格。
- We cannot enter into the question of salaries yet. 我們還不能開始討論薪水問題。
- Oxygen enters into many compound bodies. 氧是許多化合物的組成部分。
- He came to the party, but didn't really enter into the spirit of it. 他前來參加聚會,但是並沒有真正與大伙兒一起歡度時光。
- Entrustment price is divided into market price and limited price. 委任價格分為市場價格和限制價格;
- We'll enter into details at the next meeting. 關於細節問題我們下次會議上再討論。
- He entered into our plans withterrific zest. 他滿腔熱情地參加了我們的項目。
- The two firms entered into negotiation at 8:00 A.M. 這兩家公司上午8點開始了談判。
- Can golden jewelry enter into golden ages? 黃金首飾能否進入黃金年代?
- The country entered into a state of war. 這個國家進入戰爭狀態。
- You have now entered into manhood. 你現在已成年了。
- They had entered into partnership with the company. 他們已與那家公司合夥。
- He entered into negotiations with that big company. 他開始與那家大公司進行談判。
- We entered into a bewilderment of mountains. 我們走進了亂山叢中。