- Friendship is unconditional and uncritical, based only on mutual respect and the ability to enjoy each other" s company. 友誼是無條件、不帶偏見的;彼此相互尊重,並且喜歡和對方在一起,就是友誼。
- This guy 's company is one of our most important clients; I 'd better do a good job entertaining him. 我傢伙的公司是我們最重要的客戶之一;我要好好招待他
- We are glad to answer your inquiry concerning S company. 關於S公司的情況,我們特此欣然函復。
- For the elderly,for instance,it should not be a dream to be able to enjoy one's old age. 「老有所終」不應該只是一個遙遠的夢想。
- At Shenzhen Bay Control Point, goods vehicle drivers can enjoy one stop mode of Customs and Immigration clearance. 於深圳灣管制站,跨境貨車司機可使用一站式清關及出入境檢查服務。
- All boxes shall be opened only under the supervision of a C&S company engineer. 所有的包裝箱需要在中瑞公司工程師監督和認可的情況下才能開啟。
- In bed, you two have nearly insatiable appetites, which is good, for you will enjoy one another to the hilt. 在床上,兩個人有差不多貪婪的胃口,這是好的,因為你們將充分喜愛彼此。
- Aboard the Osprey V, youll enjoy one of the fastest day trips to the Great Barrier Reef, cruising at over 30 knots. 魚鷹V號是最快速之一的遊船帶您前往外大堡礁,船上最多能容納100人包括18名友好,專業,專註的工作人員。
- To experience the quality of our services simply present this coupon and enjoy one FREE regular manicure( each coupon for one person only). 憑此卷可免費體驗本甲修護一次(每卷限一人一次)
- It's better to enjoy one piece of fudge and then stop than attempt to deprive ourselves entirely, only to end up eating the whole pan. 它的美好享受一塊含混,然後企圖剝奪自己完全停止過,只落得吃整盤。
- See,Pennington『s Company Law(4th edition),Butterworth&Co. Ltd.,1979,London,at P.839. 營協議而形成的非固定的夥伴關係。
- Every deluxe class and fast ferry passenger can enjoy ONE free single-trip from North Point to Hung Hom or Kowloon City. 乘客凡購買豪華位或高速船船票,即可憑票根免費乘搭由北角往紅磡或九龍城渡輪服務壹程。
- Instead, Mayweather decided to fight Marquez and allow De La Hoya』s company to handle the promotion. 梅威瑟決定對陣馬奎茲,並由金童推廣來打理。
- The administrator's stay in Minneapolis was an enjoyable one. 部長在明尼阿波利斯度過了一段很愉快的時光。
- Mr. YY request the pleasure of Mr. And Mrs. XX's Company at Garden Party on Saturday the third of July from four until eight p.m. 謹定於7月3日(星期六)下午4時至8時舉行遊園會,請xx先生和太太準時參加為荷。--YY先生
- Indeed, James granted Shakespeare』s company the greatest possible compliment by bestowing upon its members the title of King』s Men. 的確,詹姆斯藉由在它的成員之上授予男人國王的名稱來讚許了莎士比亞的公司最好的稱讚。
- Huaxing junior high school students currently enjoy one of the highest success rates at the Cambridge Suite Exams like the Key English Test (KET) and the Preliminary English Test (PET). 近期華興學生在劍橋考試的英語入門考試(第一級)及初級英語考試(第二級)獲得最高的通過人數比率。
- Difficult conditions never stopped Mr.Weiser, who is forever enterprising.After the difficult start, Mr.Weiser』s company grew bigger and more successful every day. 艱苦的環境沒有擋住懷瑟的進取精神,艱苦的創業后,懷瑟的公司越辦越紅火。
- In 1998, our product - Muffler Guard - were shipped to B&S company in the U.S.A; October the same year, product - Valve Tappet - were shipped to MHI company in Japan. 華文中宋1998年公司生產的消聲器防護網罩開始出口美國B&S公司,同年10月生產的氣門挺柱銷往日本三菱重工。
- Trading in his shirt and tie for a black windbreaker and a pair of purple shorts, Bush, 59, looked fresh and energetic as he took advantage of the sunny weather to enjoy one of his favourite pastimes. 與平時的襯衫和領帶不同,布希身穿黑色防風上衣和深藍色短褲。布希今年59歲,看上去生氣勃勃、活力四射,充分利用晴朗的好天氣享受他最喜愛的這一消遺運動。