- Develop new and advanced technology and enhance the competitiveness of the products on the global market. 發展高新技術,增強國際競爭能力。
- Universal implementation of innovation and enhance the competitiveness of the country is a civic obligation. 實行全民創新,增強國家的競爭力,也是每一個公民應盡的義務。
- In order to enhance the competitiveness of the Greater PRD, we will strive to improve the economic infrastructure of the region. 為了增強整個大珠三角區的競爭力,我們將致力完善區內的經濟基建。
- The proposal is to extend the scope of activities in which AA may engage in or carry on in order to enhance the competitiveness of HKIA. 為增加香港國際機場的競爭力,建議擴闊機管局可進行的活動。
- The concessionary fare scheme is a self-initiated move by the NT taxi trade to enhance the competitiveness of NT taxis and to attract more business. 這是新界的士業為提高其競爭力和增加生意額而自行發起的措施。
- The objective of the study is to enhance the competitiveness of Hong Kong as an international financial centre in terms of risk mitigation,increased efficiency and cost reduction. 研究的目標是要增強香港作為國際金融中心的競爭力,以求減少風險、提升效率、減低成本。
- Many enterprises in today's information-based construction has many drawbacks, the elimination of these drawbacks and enhance the competitiveness of enterprises in imminent. 當今諸多企業在信息化建設方面都有很多的弊端,而消除這些弊端提高企業的競爭里迫在眉睫。
- The Government's objective has been to promote lifelong learning to upgrade human resources and enhance the competitiveness of Hong Kong in an increasingly knowledge-based society. 政府的方針是推廣終身學習,提高香港的人力質素,增強競爭力,配合本港以知識為本的社會發展趨勢。
- In addition to policy development and co-ordination of support programmes to enhance the competitiveness of SMEs,the SMEO also provides one-stop information through a Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) Information Centre launched on August 30. 此外,該辦公室亦於八月三十日成立中小型企業資訊中心,為中小型企業提供一站式資訊服務。
- Kingboard has taken proactive steps to constantly enhance the competitiveness of its production base, including the setting up of paper laminate plant in Shaoguan, northwest Guangdong. 建滔一直積極強化其生產基地的競爭力,兩年前已在粵北韶關開設紙覆銅面板廠。
- The objective of the study is to enhance the competitiveness of Hong Kong as an international financial centre in terms of risk mitigation, increased efficiency and cost reduction. 研究的目標是要增強香港作為國際金融中心的競爭力,以求減少風險、提升效率、減低成本。
- Enhance the mass system, increase the competition ability of the escutcheon. 強化質量體系,提高名牌的競爭力。
- In addition to policy development and co-ordination of support programmes to enhance the competitiveness of SMEs, the SMEO also provides one-stop information through a Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) Information Centre launched on August 30. 此外,該辦公室亦於八月三十日成立中小型企業資訊中心,為中小型企業提供一站式資訊服務。
- The low frequency acoustic design for an automobile body structure is very important to improve the carborne acoustic comfortability and to enhance the competitiveness for the car products in market. 車身結構低頻聲學設計以提高車輛乘坐的聲學舒適性為目的,對於增強汽車產品的市場競爭能力具有十分重要的意義。
- The prefectural (Group) Co., Ltd.CEO Zhang Huagang believe that our real estate enterprises through the capital market to enhance the competitiveness of the core real estate business. 金地(集團)股份有限公司總裁張華綱認為,我國房地產企業應通過資本市場提升房地產企業的核心競爭力。
- The competition entries were a very mixed bag. 參賽者是錯落不齊的大雜燴。
- Transport costs are restricting the logistics costs of an important part of controlling the cost of enterprises and enhance the competitiveness of their products is of great significance. 摘要運輸成本是制約物流成本的重要組成部分,控制運輸成本對提高企業和產品的競爭力具有重大的意義。
- He only entered the competition for a dare. 他只是因為受人激將才參加競賽。
- This has definitely enhanced the competitiveness of their products on the Chinese market. 這無疑會提高其商品在中國市場的競爭能力。
- Continue to vigorously push forward financial reform and innovation to enhance the competitiveness of financial institutions and financial markets, the efficiency of resource allocation. 繼續大力推進金融改革和創新,提高金融機構競爭力和金融市場資源配置效率。