- The terrible scene was engraved on his memory. 那可怕的情景銘記在他的記憶里。
- The memory remains sharply engraved on my mind. 這件事仍然深深地銘刻在我心中。
- One can congratulate oneself on one's victories. 一個人也可以自己慶祝自己的勝利。
- be engraved on [upon] sb.'s memory 給某人留下深刻印象
- I'm going to call on one of my former classmates. 我要去看望我的一位老同學。
- Success usually attends on one』s effort. 成功常伴隨努力而來。
- Our garden is bordered on one side by a stream. 我們的花園有一邊以小河為界。
- Memory of that terrible day is forever engraved on my mind. 那可怕的一天永遠留在我的記憶中。
- Please write on one side of the paper only. 請寫在這張紙的一面上。
- The one-year-old boy cannot stand on one leg. 這1歲的小男孩還不會單腿站。
- Write on one side of the paper only. 只在紙的一面寫字。
- 1.inscription; 2.to engrave on one's mind; to impress on; to imprint upon 銘刻
- Friendship should not be all on one side. [諺]友誼靠雙方。
- Their fame rests entirely on one record. 他們完全是靠著一張唱片出的名。
- The scene is engraved on my memory. 那個情景深深刻在我的記憶。
- She wore a metal splint on one leg. 她的一條腿上上了金屬夾板。
- Must engrave on mind; every day is the happiest day in a year. 要銘刻在心;每天都是一年中最美妙的日子。
- Research on suggestibility of children s memory is a rising field of study. 兒童記憶受暗示性影響的研究是一個80年代后興起的研究領域。
- The engine is misfiring badly on one cylinder. 發動機有一個汽缸嚴重失靈。
- Engrave on mind; every day is the happiest day in a year. 要銘記在心;每天都是一年中最美好的日子。