- It's natural to slack2 off towards the end of a hard day's work. 一天緊張工作快結束的時候有些放鬆是自然的。
- Bibliography usually appears at the end of a book. 參考書目通常在書後列出。
- The fleshy underside of the end of a finger or toe. 肉墊手指或腳趾末端多肉的下側
- She usually felt the pinch at the end of a month. 她通常在月底感到手頭很緊。
- A period signals the end of a sentence. 句號表示一個句子結束了。
- Either end of a yard of a square sail. 桁端橫帆帆桅的任意一端
- A short, blank strip of film at the end of a reel. 尾片在一盤影片末尾的簡短的空白的電影片斷
- At the end of a holiday, to new friend you have make. 在假日結束時,對你新結識的朋友說。
- He fell in at the end of a line. 他排在隊伍的末尾。
- A bell signals the end of a school period. 鈴聲標誌著學校里一節課的結束。
- The cricketers trooped off the field at the end of a long day in the sun. 板球隊員們在太陽下練一整天,天黑時結隊離開球場。
- One of the crusty ends of a loaf of bread. 麵包頭一條長包面的兩個硬端之一
- She sat down on the business end of a drawing pin. 她坐在圖釘上。
- She usually feel the pinch at the end of a month. 她通常在月底感到手頭很緊。
- The end of a pointed or projecting object. 尖端一個帶尖或突起的物體的末端
- I had no end of a benefit getting things straight. 我那收拾東西的好差事沒完沒了。
- Each pellet was placed in the end of a shotshell. 每個點火藥片放在實驗彈的一端。
- A projecting forward part, such as the front end of a ski. 前端的突出部分向前突出的前端,比如滑雪板的前端
- The vibrating end of a reed in a wind instrument. 簧片簧樂器中振動的前端
- the end of a plait 辮子梢