- I wish everybody good luck at the beginning of the year. 我預祝大家歲首大吉。
- Let the beginning of the year be crowned with achievements. 來一個新年開門紅。
- The company declared a large dividend at the end of the year. 公司在年底宣布分發高額股息。
- He get a tax rebate at the end of the year. 他在年底得到了一筆退回的稅款。
- It seems like one of the hardest lessons to be learnt in this life is where your business end and somebody else's begin. 在這世上最難學會的一門功課,似乎就在於分清自己的職責的盡頭與人家的職責的開頭處。
- Orders for goods of this kind usually begin to tail off towards the end of the year. 對這一類貨物的訂購接近年終時通常開始逐漸減少。
- He has worked off a large bank loan by the end of the year. 年底時,他已經還清了一大筆銀行貸款。
- Not bad,but at the beginning of the year it didn't run so well. 還行,但年初不太好。
- The study will be published in the beginning of the year 2000. 研究結果將在2000年初發布。
- You'll be attached to this department until the end of the year. 你在年底前將暫屬於這一部門。
- Step on it or we'll miss the beginning of the show. 趕快,要不然我們會趕不上演出的。
- There is a vague sense of eras ending and beginning. 這是處於時代終結和另一個時代開始這種特殊階段的茫然。
- In communications, to interrupt the sending end and take control of the circuit at the receiving end. 在通信技術中,中斷髮送端的發送,並在接收端取得電路的控制權。
- Business was brisk at the beginning of the year, but now it is slack. 年初生意還興隆,沒想到現在竟蕭條了。
- The device will be in production by the end of the year. 該裝置將於年底投入生產。
- In the middle of the night, two boys woke up and began shouting. 在半夜裡,兩個孩子醒了並大聲喊起來。
- The new author has become a celebutante since the beginning of the year. 新年伊始,那名新作家就成了名流新寵。
- He was the god of endings and beginnings. 他是掌管開始和結束的神。
- It was the beginning of the spring and the sap was rising in the boys. 正當初春季節,勃勃的生氣在小夥子們身上奔涌。
- It was named the best documentary of the year. 它被選為這一年最優秀的文獻記錄片。