- Accordingly, between husband and wife if or both sides never has gotten satisfaction in long-term sexual life, it is to should affect emotive of husband and wife anyhow. 因此,夫妻間如果一個或雙方在長期的性生活中從來沒有得到過滿足,無論如何是要影響夫妻感情的。
- He was taken up with the reconciliation of husband and wife. 他忙於做夫妻間的調解工作。
- Such, both sides of husband and wife becomes venereal victim possibly. 這樣,夫妻雙方都可能成為性病的受害者。
- You will find a great choice of husbands and wives there. 你會發現那兒有各種各樣供人挑選的丈夫和妻子。
- And in life of husband and wife, the worry bagatelle that is these trifles? 而夫妻生活中,糾纏不清的不就是這些雞毛蒜皮的小事嗎?
- He noted the disharmony between husband and wife. 他覺察出這對夫婦不太和睦。
- The husband and wife were having words of a sort. 夫妻倆正在吵架。
- He knows his duties. Even the King of Italy didn't dare to meddle with the relationship of husband and wife. 他明白自己的義務,即使當年義大利國王,也不干涉夫婦之間的事。 快回家去。
- Answer : First of all, we should understand Huasun between income couples are the joint property of husband and wife. 答:首先我們應弄清孫先生夫婦之間的收入是否屬於夫妻共同財產。
- As of March 10, we ceased to be husband and wife. 自3月10日始,我倆已斷絕夫妻關係。
- Husband and wife do not and 10 of separation. 夫妻不和分居十多年,早已名存實枉。
- Husband and wife have reversed roles. 丈夫和妻子互換了責任。
- May the love of husband and wife last like ever green mountains. May the affection of each couple flow on and on like clear streams. 恩愛夫妻情似青山不老,幸福伴侶意如碧水長流。
- It's unwise to interfere between husband and wife. 夫妻間的事最好不要管。
- In addition, 2 people of husband and wife are abstinency meet too for long again, the husband often can be compared in sexual life excited. 此外,夫妻二人禁慾過長時間再見面,丈夫往往會在性生活中比較激動。
- They lived together as husband and wife for years. 他們結為夫婦共同生活了很多年。
- Feeling of husband and wife is bad: Unpleasant marriage reachs the disgust to the spouse, down to hates, also can cause frigidity. 夫妻感情不好:不愉快的婚姻及對配偶的厭惡,以至憎恨,也會造成性冷淡。
- A mainer reason is the sexual physiology that both sides of husband and wife does not know a men and women and psychological characteristic. 更重要的一個原因是夫妻雙方不懂得男女的性生理和心理特點。
- General positi ve sex of husband and wife's inmate the experience get a higher goal than those who were lonely or living with old man or son and daughter. 一般正性體驗得分,配偶健在者高於喪偶者及離異或未婚者,夫妻同住者高於獨居者及與老人或子女同住者;
- Had not chivalry brought sex-love into fashion, and was not its proper bourgeois form, in contrast to chivalry's adulterous love, the love of husband and wife? 難道性愛不是由於騎士而成為時髦,難道夫婦之愛不是性愛的正確的資產階級形式而同騎士的通姦之愛相反嗎?