- This research can provide a scientific basis for emergent evacuation program during a subway fire. 該研究成果可為地鐵站發生火災時人員疏散應急預案提供科學依據。
- All the staff and the outworkers who work in the company should know the emergent evacuation line map in the working area. 所有在公司工作的員工和外包工都應知道工作區域的緊急疏散路線圖。
- Does the dormitory have emergency evacuation diagrams posted? 宿舍是否張貼緊急疏散圖?
- Take-off aborted, undercarriage fire, emergency evacuation passengers. 中斷起飛,起落架起火,緊急疏散旅客。
- Does the factory have emergency evacuation diagrams posted on the work floor? 車間是否張貼緊急疏散圖?
- After all staff received the disperse instruction, refer to the emergent evacuation icons made by EHS dept. evacuating orderly to the designated assembly area from the near exit. 全體員工接到疏散指令后,參照EHS部門編製的緊急疏散圖標示從就近的安全出口有秩序地撤離至指定集合點集合。
- Emergency evacuation system will ensure the confidence of people working in critical condition. 應急逃生系統的配置奠定了作業人員在險惡環境作業的信心。
- Formulate pre-proposal on fire fighting and emergency evacuation and organize regular fire drill. 制定滅火和應急疏散預案,定期組織消防演練。
- Are the emergency evacuation diagrams accurately drawn and clearly visible to employees? 緊急疏散圖是否準確並且張貼在顯著的位置?
- UUM is having emergency evacuation due to H1N1, University will be closed for one week!!! 北方大學因H1N1流感緊急疏散,停課隔離一星期!!!
- An emergency evacuation rehearsal was held in Shekou Container Terminal (SCT) On 26th September 2005. 2005年9月26日,蛇口集裝箱碼頭舉行了2005年度大樓人員緊急撤離的演練。
- Emergency evacuation, rescue workers whose main aim is to search for survivors and comprehensive sterilization. 緊急撤離前,救援人員的主要工作是尋找倖存者和全面消毒。
- A fire prevention and protection plan for the proposed work, including an emergency evacuation plan. 一份針對相關作業區的防火計劃,包括緊急疏散計劃。
- On the wall of each floor must be posted evacuation plans on which fire extinguishers, fire hydrants, evacuation directions and viewer location must be clearly marked. 廠房,宿舍每層樓應有清晰的疏散路線展示圖,圖上應清楚標明安全出口,滅火器,消防栓的位置,疏散方向和看圖者所在位置。
- Formulating contingency plans for fire-fighting and emergency evacuation, and organizing fire-fighting exercises at regular intervals. 制定滅火和應急疏散預案,定期組織消防演練。
- Apart from above and below ground car parking facilities, a helipad for tenants' use and emergency evacuation manoeuvres are also available. 這座建築物還附設地上和地下停車場,另建有一個直升機場,可供顧客使用,同時作為緊急疏散設施。
- The status of emergency evacuation is the most important factor when the safety degree of a large scale communal building is evaluated. 應急疏散措施的優劣是評價大型公用建築安全水平高低的重要標準之一。
- The majority of the building space is occupied by general offices which are to be sold or leased.Apart from above and below ground car parking facilities, a helipad for tenants' use and emergency evacuation manoeuvres are also available. 該建築主要用於寫字樓,既出售也可租賃。這座建築物還附設地上和地下停車場,另建有一個直升機場,可供顧客使用,同時作為緊急疏散設施。
- A shootout on Thursday, after police agents moved in on a drug cartel group, left four people injured and forced the emergency evacuation of a school in Tijuana, according to the local media. 槍戰星期四,警察人員后,中移動的毒品卡特爾集團,造成4人受傷,被迫緊急撤離一所學校的蒂華納,據當地媒體。
- In a little while we lost our sense of direction. 一會兒我們就辨不清方向了。